
air hostess造句

air hostess造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-28 00:01:02


air hostess造句

  • 1、The duty of anair hostess is to ensure passengers 'safety and comfort.(空中小姐的職責(zé)是確保旅客的安全與舒適。)
  • 2、air hostess: is this your bag, Sir?(空中小姐:先生,這是您的包嗎?) haO86.com
  • 3、Kathy is anair hostess.(凱茜是個(gè)空中小姐。)
  • 4、air hostess: Yes, of course.(空中小姐:是的,當(dāng)然。)
  • 5、What's the most important thing of being anair hostess?(當(dāng)一名空中小姐最重要的是什么?)
  • 6、What's your job? I'm anair hostess.(你是做什么工作的?我是一名空中小姐。)
  • 7、The most important task of being anair hostess is helping passengers relax during their flight.(空中小姐最重要的任務(wù)是幫助旅客在飛行過程中放松。)
  • 8、I'm anair hostess.(我是一名空中小姐。)
  • 9、Miss Middleton is the eldest child of businessman Michael Middleton and formerair hostess Carol.(米德爾頓小姐是商人麥克·米德爾頓和曾是空姐的卡蘿的長女。)
  • 10、Carl smiled back at theair hostess.(卡爾也微笑著跟空中小姐說。)
  • 11、"Clara was amazing," anair hostess told Alaska Airlines in an interview.(“克拉拉棒極了?!币晃豢战阍诓稍L中說對阿拉斯加航空公司說。)
  • 12、He married Ludmila, a formerair hostess, in 1983, the same year as Miss Kabayeva was born.(1983年,普京迎娶了前空姐柳德米拉,而同年卡巴耶娃剛剛出生。)
  • 13、Theair hostess asked everyone to belt himself in.(空中小姐要求大家扣好安全帶。)
  • 14、A: What's the most important thing of being anair hostess?(A:當(dāng)一名空中小姐最重要的是什么?)
  • 15、Anair hostess announced that the plane had been hijacked.(一個(gè)空中小姐宣布飛機(jī)被劫持了。)
  • 16、Anair hostess ever avoided the happening of afore-mentioned circumstances ably.(一位空中小姐曾巧妙地避免了上述情況的發(fā)生。)
  • 17、I saw your advertisement in this morning newspaper for theair hostess. And I'd like this job.(我在今天早報(bào)上看到了你們招聘空中小姐的廣告。并且我想申請這一工作。)
  • 18、Anair hostess was arrested and charged with drug smuggling.(一位空姐被抓了起來,并被指控走私毒品。)
  • 19、I saw your advertisement in this morning's newspaper for theair hostess. I'd like a job.(我看到在早報(bào)上貴公司招聘空姐的廣告。我想申請這一職務(wù)。)
  • 20、Look at thatair hostess.(看那個(gè)空中小姐。)
  • 21、Theair hostess asked everyone to belt up.(空姐要大家扣好安全帶。)
  • 22、Anair hostess came by and explained the situation.(一位空中小姐過來解釋了情況。)
  • 23、Mrs. Green stopped and looked at theair hostess. Then she said to her husband, "How did you know her name?"(格林夫人停下來,看了看那位空姐。然后她問她丈夫:“你怎么知道她的名字?”)

air hostess基本釋義

air hostess

英 [e?(r) 'h??st?s] 美 [er ?host?s] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):air hostesses
