
agree with sb.造句

agree with sb.造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-28 00:01:05


agree with sb.造句

  • 1、Aagree with sb. on sth.(在某一點(diǎn)上和某人意見一致。)
  • 2、Recently we do accept sb. falling in love with or marry a foreigner. As long as the love is true, most parents will agree.(隨著中國對(duì)外的道路越走越寬,我們的觀念中也能夠接受與外國人談戀愛,或者結(jié)婚,只要雙方是真心的相愛,大部分的中國父母還是能夠接受的。)
  • 3、The activity of GPT and the phenomena of dissociation of SB and GPT do not agree with conditions of SVH .(GPT活性值,膽酶分離現(xiàn)象與重肝病人病情不相平行。)
  • 4、A.agree with sb. to do sth.(表示“同意某人做某事”。)
  • 5、I don'tagree with sb.(我不同意某人的看法。)

agree with sb.基本釋義