
advance payment造句

advance payment造句

更新時間:2024-08-28 00:01:16


advance payment造句

  • 1、She made anadvance payment for her new car.(她事先預(yù)付了她的新車。)
  • 2、I will have a contract and anadvance payment waiting for you, the first thing in the moring.(明天早上我會優(yōu)先為你準備一份合同和預(yù)付款。)
  • 3、The payment by the buyer was therefore anadvance payment for an executory contract which the seller had not performed .(買方所付之款項系為一份應(yīng)于訂立后再履行而賣方尚未履行的契約而約付的預(yù)付款。)
  • 4、The scheme gives attention to both advantages ofadvance payment power meter and automatic meter reading system and has high communication reliability.(該方案兼顧了預(yù)付費電表和自動抄表的優(yōu)點,通信可靠性高。) Hao86.com
  • 5、The total Contract Price, EXCEPT theadvance payment and the Technical Service fee, shall be paid by Irrevocable Letter of Credit.(除了預(yù)付款和技術(shù)服務(wù)費外,合同總價以不可撤銷的信用證方式支付。)
  • 6、I have read and will comply with the above conditions and regulations. I also take full responsibility foradvance payment of the bus fees.(我已經(jīng)閱讀并承認遵守上述的規(guī)章和條款。我同樣愿意支付所有的校車費用。)
  • 7、Jim: The only requirement is anadvance payment of twenty-five percent before delivery.(吉姆:唯一的要求就是在交貨之前先付百分之二十五的預(yù)付款。)
  • 8、Theadvance payment, if not earned out before this Agreement expiry date, shall not be transferred or extended to the Renewal of this Agreement.(本合同期滿前若未能付梓,預(yù)付款不應(yīng)轉(zhuǎn)交或延伸給本合同的補充條款。)
  • 9、Payment:advance payment and deliver after signing the contract pay 30% deposit.(付款方式:款到發(fā)貨,簽訂合同后需付30%定金,發(fā)貨前付清尾款。)
  • 10、And after receipt of anadvance payment, if applicable.(如果可以的話,在收到預(yù)付款之后。)
  • 11、Otherwise, the lender may treat it as anadvance payment of the next month's monthly payment.(否則,貸款人可以把它作為一種預(yù)付款的下個月的每月付款。)
  • 12、To check the payment for suppliers andadvance payment with purchasing Dept.(與采購部門核對供應(yīng)商的付款及預(yù)付款情況。)
  • 13、Group reservation requiresadvance payment of the deposit.(團體預(yù)定房間要求提前交付押金。)
  • 14、If cancelled, the unearned portion of anyadvance payment will be credited to the customer.(如果本協(xié)議撤銷,任何預(yù)付款中開發(fā)方尚未賺取的部分將歸客戶所有。)
  • 15、advance payment bond a bank bond guaranteeing theadvance payment made by the employer to the contractor in case of bankruptcy or other cause.(先期付款契約一種銀行契約,保證雇主在破產(chǎn)或其他情況下,向承包人先行付款。)
  • 16、Being a capital construction unit, it usually has to handle theadvance payment in the construction.(作為一個基本建設(shè)單位,在開展工程建設(shè)過程中,經(jīng)常會發(fā)生預(yù)付工程款業(yè)務(wù)。)
  • 17、Business jet is a personalized product. When a buyer signs a purchase agreement, he will make a large sum ofadvance payment.(公務(wù)機是一種個性化的商品,購買者在簽訂購買協(xié)議時,會支付給制造商相當高額的訂金。)
  • 18、I have received anadvance payment.(我已收到一筆預(yù)付款。)
  • 19、The enterprise income tax and local income tax are calculated annually andadvance payment shall be made quarterly.(第十五條繳納企業(yè)所得稅和地方所得稅,按年計算,分季預(yù)繳。)
  • 20、Within 7 days after the contract is signed Party a shall pay foradvance payment of over 10 % of total contractual price.(本合同簽訂后7日內(nèi),甲方支付不少于合同總價的10%的預(yù)付款。)

advance payment基本釋義

advance payment

英 [?d?vɑ:ns ?peim?nt] 美 [?d?v?ns ?pem?nt] 

