
advanced composition造句

advanced composition造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-28 00:01:16


advanced composition造句

  • 1、Conclusion HO-1 inhibits progression of advanced atherosclerotic plaques and promotes plaque stability, probably by modulating plaque composition and attenuating plaque inflammation.(結(jié)論HO-1可抑制動(dòng)脈粥樣硬化進(jìn)展,增加斑塊的穩(wěn)定性,其機(jī)制可能與調(diào)節(jié)斑塊結(jié)構(gòu)和成分,抑制斑塊內(nèi)炎癥有關(guān)。)
  • 2、This paper expounds the significance, classification, composition and developing trend of advanced manufacturing techniques.(簡(jiǎn)要闡述了先進(jìn)制造技術(shù)的重要性、分類組成及發(fā)展趨勢(shì)。)
  • 3、Werner Heisenberg advanced a theory of nuclear composition. w.(海森堡提出一個(gè)關(guān)于原子核組成的理論。)
  • 4、Several advanced control strategies including top-tray composition inferential PI control, gain scheduling control, and multi-temperature weighting feedback control are designed.(設(shè)計(jì)了塔頂甲醇濃度比例積分反饋推斷控制、多個(gè)溫度聯(lián)合加醛反饋控制、塔頂甲醇濃度反饋增益自調(diào)整控制等控制策略。)
  • 5、A more advanced certificate allows you to interpret and apply regulatory standards to a site plan, test soil composition, check elevations, and perform other analyses of proposed construction sites.(擁有高一級(jí)的證書(shū),你就能解釋平面布置圖,并且把所學(xué)的監(jiān)管標(biāo)準(zhǔn)運(yùn)用其中。你還將檢測(cè)土壤成分,核對(duì)建筑物的立面圖以及完成其他擬議中建筑場(chǎng)地的分析。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 6、The advanced high strength automobile steel of same chemical composition can be manufactured by different controlled cooling processes for different strength classes.(通過(guò)不同的控制冷卻工藝實(shí)現(xiàn)了用相同的成分獲得不同強(qiáng)度等級(jí)要求的汽車用先進(jìn)高強(qiáng)度鋼。)
  • 7、Mass spectrometry is an advanced scientific technique used to analyze compounds based on their molecular composition.(質(zhì)譜是一種先進(jìn)的科學(xué)儀器,基于分子組成的不同來(lái)分析化合物。)
  • 8、The principle and composition based on fingerprint identification technology of reader management system in the library were introduced, a more advanced solution was put forward.(闡述了基于指紋識(shí)別技術(shù)的圖書(shū)館讀者管理系統(tǒng)的工作原理及構(gòu)成,提出了更為先進(jìn)的解決方案。)
  • 9、Adopt high-quality composition and the most advanced Hi-Tech skill in the production of our herbaceous products.(我們的草本產(chǎn)品在生產(chǎn)中采用高質(zhì)量成份和最先進(jìn)的高科技術(shù)。)
  • 10、The series integrate modern advanced ceramic glass composition technology, with original thorough crystal transparent technique, sur-face crystal level glossiness higher than 95 de-grees.(融合了當(dāng)今先進(jìn)的陶瓷玻璃復(fù)合技術(shù),首創(chuàng)全透晶工藝,表層的水晶層光澤度大于95度。)
  • 11、This course introduces one advanced computer language of program composition and some elementary knowledge of computer.(本課程主要介紹一種高級(jí)計(jì)算機(jī)編程語(yǔ)言和一些計(jì)算機(jī)的基本知識(shí)。)
  • 12、At present the most advanced and reliable preservation method of fruits and vegetables is the fresh preservation of gas conditioning which controls the composition, temperature and humidity of gas.(果品蔬菜的貯藏,目前最先進(jìn)可靠的保鮮貯藏方法是控制氣體成份、溫度與濕度的氣調(diào)保鮮方式。)
  • 13、While Ahadian refers to JLINQ as an ORM tool, it does not appear to provide any of the advanced features taken for granted in a tool like Hibernate, including polymorphism, composition, and caching.(雖然Ahadian認(rèn)為JLINQ是個(gè)ORM工具,但JLINQ并不像Hibernate那樣會(huì)提供任何高級(jí)特性,例如多態(tài)、組合以及緩存等。)
  • 14、This feature promotes composition of advanced behavior using primitive operations.(這個(gè)特色允許通過(guò)元操作來(lái)組合一些高級(jí)行為。)
  • 15、In 1993, he went to France for advanced studies of composition and musicology.(1993年赴法國(guó)進(jìn)一步學(xué)習(xí)作曲技術(shù)和音樂(lè)學(xué)理論。)
  • 16、According to the traditional leakage theory, this paper advanced a calculating formula for composition of well yield of the first leakage system.(本文依據(jù)傳統(tǒng)越流理論導(dǎo)出了第一類越流系統(tǒng)井涌水量組成計(jì)算式。)

advanced composition基本釋義
