
after school造句

after school造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-28 00:01:10


after school造句

  • 1、Shall we go to the supermarketafter school?(我們放學(xué)后去超市好嗎?)
  • 2、Shall I meet youafter school today?(今天放學(xué)后我去找你好嗎?)
  • 3、Let's play footballafter school.(放學(xué)后我們?nèi)ヌ咦闱虬伞?
  • 4、We played soccerafter school.(放學(xué)后我們踢過足球。)
  • 5、The teacher kept the boys in detentionafter school.(老師在放學(xué)后罰男孩們留了下來。)
  • 6、We play footballafter school.(放學(xué)后我們踢足球。)
  • 7、I will telephone your grandmaafter school.(我會(huì)在放學(xué)后給你的祖母打電話。)
  • 8、after school, I had picked up Nick and Ted and made the rounds of the dry cleaner and the food stores.(放學(xué)后,我接了尼克和特德,然后去了那干洗店和食品店。)
  • 9、We play football every dayafter school.(每天放學(xué)后我們一起踢足球。)
  • 10、I have to take many extra classesafter school classes.(我不得不在學(xué)校下課后參加很多課外課程。)
  • 11、I will go homeafter school is over.(放學(xué)后,我就回家了。)
  • 12、I will help herafter school.(我放學(xué)后會(huì)幫助她。)
  • 13、One Monday, Emily went to the nursing homeafter school.(某個(gè)星期一,愛米麗放學(xué)后去了養(yǎng)老院。)
  • 14、after school, we played soccer.(放學(xué)后,我們?nèi)ヌ咦闱蛄恕?
  • 15、Usually, I take exerciseafter school.(放學(xué)后我通常鍛煉。)
  • 16、Do your homeworkafter school.(放學(xué)后要做家庭作業(yè)。) hao86.com
  • 17、The children are allowed to watch TVafter school.(孩子們被允許在放學(xué)后看電視。)
  • 18、I always have many things to doafter school.(放學(xué)后我總是有很多事情要做。)
  • 19、I'm meeting youafter school.(放學(xué)后我要去接你。)
  • 20、after school, they play games.(放學(xué)后,他們一起玩游戲。)
  • 21、after school, we used to chill out in each others' bedrooms.(放學(xué)后,我們常常到彼此的臥室里放松休息。)
  • 22、Hang outafter school.(放學(xué)后一起玩。)
  • 23、Please pick me upafter school.(放學(xué)后請(qǐng)來接我。)
  • 24、We will get busyafter school.(我們?cè)诜艑W(xué)后要有很多事情做。)
  • 25、I went homeafter school.(放學(xué)后,我回到家。)
  • 26、Children should return to their homes quicklyafter school.(小孩子放學(xué)后要敢快回家。)
  • 27、They go homeafter school.(放學(xué)后他們回家。)
  • 28、We can celebrateafter school.(我們可以放學(xué)后慶祝。)
  • 29、My father picks me upafter school.(我爸爸天天放學(xué)后來接我。)
  • 30、What about swimmingafter school?(放學(xué)后去游泳怎么樣?)

after school基本釋義

after school

英 [?ɑ:ft? sku:l] 美 [??ft? skul] 

副詞放學(xué)后; 課余; 課外; 校外