
angle for造句

angle for造句

更新時間:2024-08-28 00:00:29


angle for造句

  • 1、A keyboard that slopes away from you provides the bestangle for your hands and wrists.(如果鍵盤能朝遠離你的方向傾斜一個角度,你的手、腕就可以處于最佳角度。)
  • 2、The research on brand community has offered a new visualangle for customer relation management.(它的研究為顧客關(guān)系管理提供了一個新的視角。)
  • 3、Bakhtin's dialogic theory has provided a new explanationangle for transition of female writing.(巴赫金的對話理論為女性寫作的這種轉(zhuǎn)變提供了一個新的闡釋角度。)
  • 4、The paper presented some measures for slope-sliding control and recommended optimal slopeangle for production stage.(文章相應(yīng)提出了整治滑坡的措施和推薦生產(chǎn)用最佳邊坡角。)
  • 5、The focus of this article was the technicalangle for offline Web applications.(本文的重點是從技術(shù)角度了解離線Web應(yīng)用程序。)
  • 6、I know you want toangle for compliments.(我知道你想取得別人的贊揚。)
  • 7、Intelligent control — connected with construction intelligent management system, this system can automatically adjust vaneangle for shading.(智能控制——與建筑智能管理系統(tǒng)相連自動調(diào)整葉片角度達到遮陽功能。)
  • 8、A pitch controller rotates each blade around a bearing, setting it to the bestangle for the wind speed.(同時間距控制裝置會根據(jù)風速旋轉(zhuǎn)安裝在軸承上的風葉,保持在最佳角度。)
  • 9、The consciousness has offered the new observationangle for studying the social state of Ming-Qing Dynasties.(這種救荒意識為研究明清社會狀況提供了新的觀察角度。)
  • 10、What is the best newsangle for this story?(什么是這篇報道的最佳新聞角度?)
  • 11、We need a newangle for our next advertising campaign.(我們需要從一個新的角度去展開下一次廣告活動。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 12、Fans lined up as early as 4 a. m., 12 hours before the start of the film, toangle for an autograph or glimpse of their favorite star.(為了得到親筆簽名、或者僅僅看一眼他們心愛的偶像,影迷們早上4點,也就是在電影開播前12小時就開始排隊了。)
  • 13、Extend the telescopic antenna and adjust theangle for optimum reception.(請伸展伸縮式天線并調(diào)整角度以改善接收效果。)
  • 14、The dissertation has analyzed BI system from the realisticangle for guarantee to know BI completely and easy to discuss product choose of BI system.(為了保證對BI認識的完整性,也為之后便于討論BI系統(tǒng)產(chǎn)品選擇問題,從現(xiàn)實的角度剖析了BI系統(tǒng)產(chǎn)品。)
  • 15、Try to figure out a localangle for an international story, as it may encourage your editor to put your story in a more prominent position.(設(shè)法為一篇國際新聞?wù)业揭粋€地方視角,這可能會鼓勵你的編輯把你的文章放在一個更顯眼的位置上。)
  • 16、I took my camera out of my backpack and started looking for a goodangle for the photograph but couldn't find one.(我從背包里拿出照相機,想要找一個合適的角度拍照但是怎么也選不好。)
  • 17、However, if the beamangle for the direct light is too wide then it will violate the limits of a full cutoff classification.(然而,如果給直接的光光線角度太寬,那么它將會違犯完整近路分類的極限。)
  • 18、These baffles are strategically located and placed at a specificangle for optimum separation.(這些隔板的位置,并放置在特定的角度,以實現(xiàn)最佳的分離。)
  • 19、Shooting from a building slightly above the aspens made for an unusualangle for glowing gold autumn colors.(從稍高的建筑物上所拍攝到的白楊樹林,這張照片以不尋常的角度拍取了泛著秋天金黃顏色的白楊樹林。)
  • 20、It sums up its success and loss, and provides a newangle for the readers to understand the new realistic novels at the same time.(總結(jié)其成功與缺失,并為以后的讀者提供一個新的角度來更好地理解新寫實小說。)
  • 21、The design principle and circuit construction and program process of apparatus of the best ignitionangle for motorcycle engine are introduced.(介紹了一種摩托車發(fā)動機最佳點火角試驗儀的設(shè)計原理、電路結(jié)構(gòu)和程序流程。)
  • 22、The study on cultural vacancy on lexical level and its treatment in translation in this thesis aims to provide a newangle for the related studies in this field.(本文旨在為文化空缺現(xiàn)象及文化負載詞及其翻譯的研究提供新的視角。)
  • 23、This sometimes means leaving out certain information or finding the rightangle for your experience.(這有時分意味著省略掉某些東西,并尋找一個合適的角度來描述你的經(jīng)歷。)
  • 24、External keyboards. A keyboard that slopes away from you provides the bestangle for your hands and wrists.(外接鍵盤。如果鍵盤能朝遠離你的方向傾斜一個角度,你的手、腕就可以處于最佳角度。)
  • 25、Apart from that, she was always as busy as an ant, trying toangle for buyers to take her grandmother's unwanted goods for a large amount of money.(除此之外,她還總像螞蟻一樣忙碌,四處獵取買主好以大價錢賣掉她祖母不要的東西。)
  • 26、You must enter two lengths OR a length and anangle for everything to be calculated.(您必須輸入兩個長度或一個長度和角度計算的一切。)
  • 27、This simulates the quick starts typically found in open water events as participantsangle for position before settling in to their paces.(這種模擬快速出發(fā)通常作為參與者建立在公開水域事件中,在活動開始前所處位置的角度。)
  • 28、Easy to install on any bike, you can adjust its height andangle for optimal screen viewing.(易于安裝在任何自行車,你可以調(diào)整它的高度和角度以便在最佳的屏幕上觀看。)