
answer the phone造句

answer the phone造句

更新時間:2024-08-28 00:00:25


answer the phone造句

  • 1、I called you last night, but you didn'tanswer the phone.(我昨晚打電話給你,但你沒有接。)
  • 2、The customers probably thought that they didn't have to pay unless theyanswer the phone.(客戶可能以為他們只有接聽了電話才需要付費。)
  • 3、That's like saying when should you notanswer the phone at your business?(這就像是在說,什么時候你在公司可以不用回電話?)
  • 4、Nancy: This is considered a polite way toanswer the phone, either at home or in business.(在家或公司這都是一種有禮貌的接電話方式。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 5、answer the phone in three rings.(在電話響起的三聲內(nèi)接聽。)
  • 6、Hale tells her not toanswer the phone.(Hale告訴他老婆不要接聽電話。)
  • 7、They just didn'tanswer the phone.(他們根本不接電話。)
  • 8、Can three peopleanswer the phone a million times?(但三個人可以接上百萬次電話嗎?)
  • 9、I can't evenanswer the phone.(我連電話都不會接。)
  • 10、She paused the video and went toanswer the phone.(她停下錄像機去接電話。)
  • 11、Ianswer the phone call.(我來接電話。)
  • 12、I would neveranswer the phone, because I was afraid. Now I answer it whether it rings or not.(以前我不敢接電話,現(xiàn)在不管電話響不響我都接。)
  • 13、Toanswer the phone, I had to touch the screen.(為了接電話,我不得不碰觸屏幕。)
  • 14、How do theyanswer the phone?(員工如何接聽電話?)
  • 15、T-Bag is allowed toanswer the phone and finds Sucre on the other end.(西奧多被允許應答了電話,電話的另一端竟是蘇克雷。)
  • 16、To be honest, I almost didn'tanswer the phone.(說實話,我本沒打算接電話。)
  • 17、Paul, can youanswer the phone? Im busy. Paul.(你能不能去接電話?我在忙。)
  • 18、It is of the utmost importance toanswer the phone in a professional manner.(以一種職業(yè)化的態(tài)度和方式接聽商務電話在職場上是非常重要的。)
  • 19、Don'tanswer the phone.(不要接電話。)
  • 20、You have toanswer the phone yourself and type your own letters.(你得自己接電話,親自打信件。)
  • 21、We’ll start with ways toanswer the phone and identify yourself.(以接電話和確定自己身份開始。)
  • 22、Can youanswer the phone, please?(可以請你去接電話嗎?)
  • 23、How should Ianswer the phone?(我應該如何接電話?)

answer the phone基本釋義