
all things considered造句

all things considered造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-28 00:00:48


all things considered造句

  • 1、all things considered, being told that you're meant to be ambitious and successful is a pretty complimentary stereotype.(從各方面情況來看,如果別人稱你為雄心勃勃的成功人士,你就算是被塑造成了一種十分優(yōu)秀的形象。)
  • 2、all things considered, I think its advantages outweigh its disadvantages.(所有的事情考慮,我認(rèn)為它是利多于弊。)
  • 3、all things considered, Yossarian often preferred the hospital, even though it had its faults.(權(quán)衡得失,尤索林覺得呆在醫(yī)院比較好,雖說醫(yī)院也有醫(yī)院的缺陷。)
  • 4、all things considered, the result is satisfactory.(考慮到所有情況,這個(gè)結(jié)果是令人滿意的。)
  • 5、I suppose I should not be surprised by this twist of fate, butall things considered, I can no longer remain your ally.(我本以為我不會(huì)為了這次命運(yùn)的轉(zhuǎn)折而驚訝,但現(xiàn)在經(jīng)過慎重考慮,我認(rèn)為我不能再與你結(jié)盟了。)
  • 6、all things considered, it's still one of the greatest films in history.(把一切考慮進(jìn)去,它依然是史上最偉大的電影之一。)
  • 7、all things considered, it looks more like an expensive pair of headphones than a device that can read your mind.(所有的事情考慮,它看起來像一個(gè)比一個(gè)裝置,可以了解你的心思更多的一雙昂貴的耳機(jī)。)
  • 8、In addition, NPR's "all things considered" on Thursday reported on FDA's consideration of drug-coated stent safety.(另外,NPR的“深思熟慮”節(jié)目周四也報(bào)道了FDA關(guān)于藥物支架安全性的考慮。)
  • 9、all things considered, the planned trip has to be canceled.(全盤考慮后,原計(jì)劃的旅行被迫取消。)
  • 10、all things considered, we're doing quite well.(通盤考慮,我們目前干得不錯(cuò)。)
  • 11、all things considered, the reason for discordance might not be important.(所有的東西都考慮過,不一致的原因可能并不重要。)
  • 12、all things considered, you needn't accept that job.(綜合考慮各種因素你不能接受那份工作。) hao86.com
  • 13、all things considered, the design approach has successfully combined technology with aestheticism.(綜上考慮,本設(shè)計(jì)的方法成功達(dá)到了科技與美學(xué)的結(jié)合。)
  • 14、all things considered here, I'm very pleased with the results.(全面考慮在這里,我很高興的結(jié)果。)
  • 15、She's had a lot of problems since her husband died but she seems quite cheerful,all things considered.(自從丈夫死后,她面臨很多困難,但總的來說她看上去情緒還是挺樂觀的。)
  • 16、all things considered, the only way for Asian currencies is up.(去,亞洲貨幣還是只有升值一條路可走。)
  • 17、Counting motorcycles felt like great excitement,all things considered.(我感覺在所有的事情中,數(shù)摩托車是最令人興奮的了。)
  • 18、all things considered, breast milk is truly a fascinating fluid that supplies infants with far more than nutrition.(將所有因素考慮在內(nèi),母乳是一種真正神奇的液體,它供給嬰兒的遠(yuǎn)不止?fàn)I養(yǎng)。)
  • 19、all things considered, this is where the view of the world that suits us was born.(宏觀來看,那正是我們現(xiàn)在的世界觀開始誕生的時(shí)刻。)
  • 20、A slightly unorthodox answer,all things considered, but it still made her father happy.(整個(gè)看來,這還不算是個(gè)“正規(guī)”的回答,不過足夠讓她爸爸樂一陣了。)
  • 21、The ground was muddy, and she hadn't run for a month, so her speed was really quite good,all things considered.(地上泥濘不堪,而且她有一個(gè)月沒有跑步了,萬般考量,她的速度實(shí)在很不錯(cuò)了。)
  • 22、Perhaps we're even closer now afterall things considered on this side of the planet.(終于,當(dāng)一切事情都有了全面的考慮后我們終于可以更親近彼此;)
  • 23、all things considered, her paper is of greater value than yours.(各方面考慮起來,她的論文比你的論文更要有價(jià)值一些。)

all things considered基本釋義

all things considered
