an array of造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-28 00:00:34


an array of造句

  • 1、Returnsan array of structs corresponding to recent blog posts.(返回一個(gè)與最近的博客文章對(duì)應(yīng)的結(jié)構(gòu)體數(shù)組。)
  • 2、The function returnsan array of matches.(函數(shù)將返回匹配數(shù)組。)
  • 3、We readan array of records and then write the array.(我們讀取一個(gè)記錄數(shù)組,然后寫入該數(shù)組。)
  • 4、These two academics usean array of behavioral research to show that the most rewarding ways to spend money can be counterintuitive.(這兩位學(xué)者用一系列的行為研究表明,最能獲得回報(bào)的花錢方式可能是違反直覺(jué)的。)
  • 5、This returnsan array of rows.(這返回一個(gè)行數(shù)組。)
  • 6、When asked how they had cracked the code ahead ofan array of highly accomplished rival investigators, he said something that stunned me.(當(dāng)被問(wèn)及他們是如何趕在一群頗有造詣的同行研究人員前面破解密碼的時(shí)候,他說(shuō)了一些令我震驚的話。)
  • 7、In this case, it'san array of three objects.(在這種情況下,它是三個(gè)對(duì)象的數(shù)組。)
  • 8、It's being handedan array of strings.(它傳遞一個(gè)字符串?dāng)?shù)組。)
  • 9、an array of tiny pieces of paraelectric material can sense the heat radiated by a person, and the pattern of the array's electrical outputs can then be used to construct an image.(一組微小的順電材料可以感知一個(gè)人發(fā)出的熱量,然后利用該陣列的電輸出模式構(gòu)建圖像。)
  • 10、They say that if Monsanto wins, the impact will extend far beyond agriculture—locking up property rights inan array of important areas.(他們說(shuō),如果孟山都公司獲勝,其影響將遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)超出農(nóng)業(yè)領(lǐng)域——在一系列重要領(lǐng)域鎖定產(chǎn)權(quán)。)
  • 11、So you've actually gotan array of collections here.(所以您得到的實(shí)際上是一個(gè)集合數(shù)組。)
  • 12、Results are stored asan array of strings.(這些結(jié)果將存儲(chǔ)為字符串?dāng)?shù)組。)
  • 13、Today's vehicles offeran array of advanced safety features.(現(xiàn)在的汽車都提供了大量先進(jìn)的安全設(shè)備。)
  • 14、Casselman wants to buildan array of solar magnifying mirrors at one end of the line to collect and focus heat onto water filled tubes.(卡斯?fàn)柭M诠艿赖囊欢私ㄔ煲唤M太陽(yáng)放大鏡,將熱量收集到充滿水的管道上。)
  • 15、The data array sometimes is justan array of data.(數(shù)據(jù)數(shù)組有時(shí)只是一系列數(shù)據(jù)。)
  • 16、As a result, many terminals are now much more than just shopping malls and offeran array of entertainment, leisure, and beauty and wellness facilities.(因此,許多航站樓現(xiàn)在不僅僅是購(gòu)物中心,還提供一系列的娛樂(lè)、休閑、美容和保健設(shè)施。)
  • 17、The store had quitean array of leather shoes in stock.(這個(gè)商店有相當(dāng)一批皮鞋現(xiàn)貨。)
  • 18、Such failures can be caused byan array of problems.(這種失敗可以有一大堆的問(wèn)題引起。)
  • 19、Every value is a string oran array of strings.(每個(gè)值就是一個(gè)字符串或字符串?dāng)?shù)組。)
  • 20、An independent question is a general inquiry into your opinion onan array of various issues.(自主質(zhì)疑是對(duì)于你在一系列不同問(wèn)題上的觀點(diǎn)所做的一般性調(diào)查。)
  • 21、I was confronted withan array of knobs, levers, and switches.(我面對(duì)著一排旋鈕、控制桿和開(kāi)關(guān)。)
  • 22、an array of one or more notification messages.(包含一條或多條通知消息的數(shù)組。)
  • 23、You usean array of deals plusan array of sections.(您使用了一個(gè)deals數(shù)組和一個(gè)sections數(shù)組。)
  • 24、The bills in both chambers would create health insurance exchanges on which small businesses and individuals could choose froman array of private plans and possibly a public option.(參眾兩院的議案將創(chuàng)建醫(yī)療保險(xiǎn)交易所,讓小企業(yè)和個(gè)人可以從一系列私人計(jì)劃和可能的公共計(jì)劃中進(jìn)行選擇。)
  • 25、an array of objects is contained within square brackets .(對(duì)象數(shù)組包含在方括號(hào)中。)
  • 26、The six appendices coveran array of topics.(六個(gè)附錄覆蓋一組主題。)

an array of基本釋義

an array of

英 [?n ??rei ?v] 美 [?n ??re ?v] 
大量的; 一系列