
armed force造句

armed force造句

更新時間:2024-08-28 00:00:01


armed force造句

  • 1、In thearmed force television people are accustomed to military programs of television communication known as the television military propaganda.(軍中電視人習慣于將電視軍事節(jié)目傳播稱為電視軍事宣傳。)
  • 2、Logistics: in military science all the activities of armed-force units in support of combat units including transport supply communications and medical aid.(后勤學:軍事科學中軍事單位支持戰(zhàn)斗單位的所有活動,包括運輸,供給,通訊,醫(yī)療輔助。)
  • 3、So how can anarmed force conduct offensive operations without recourse to assault?(那么一支武裝力量如何在不依靠進攻的情況下進行防守?)
  • 4、Plans for the application ofarmed force shall be made by the Security Council with the assistance of the Military Staff Committee.(軍事參謀團,經(jīng)安全理事會之授權(quán),并與區(qū)域內(nèi)有關(guān)機關(guān)商議后、得設(shè)立區(qū)域分團。)
  • 5、Reports fromChinasuggest up to 1,000 of the country's armed police will fan out along the river: an unprecedented projection ofarmed force beyondChina's borders.(來自中國的報道稱醬油超過1000個該國的武裝警察分散在該河:在中國國界之外一次前所未有的武裝力量分布。)
  • 6、We do not expect that a large force of armed soldiers will be placed in close proximity to the border.(我們不希望大量的全副武裝的士兵被安置在非??拷吘车牡胤?。) Hao86.com
  • 7、The presence of a 350, 000-strong Indian security force (some say the number is much higher), amid a population of just 11m, has also kept the armed militants at bay.(在僅有1100萬人口的地方,存在一支35萬人的印度安全部隊(一些說法這個數(shù)字更高。)隨時待命以抑制這些武裝分子在低限度內(nèi)活動。)
  • 8、In crisis of SARS, the coping styles of soldiers of Chine se People′s Armed Police Force included: looking for various of society support s, planful problem solving and self-controlling.(在SARS危機中,武警官兵主要應對方式包括:尋求各種社會支持、有計劃性地解決問題、自我控制等。)
  • 9、They were being cremated where they lay, and armed guards were having to force laborers to sift through the horror to extricate the remainder of the dead from the rubble.(武裝人員強迫勞工在惡劣的情況下,從瓦礫中,拽出殘留的尸體,就地焚燒。)
  • 10、"For example, were someone to be threatening you witharmed force outside your front door, would you not get ready even a slingshot?" the ministry statement said.(“例如,別人在你的家門口耀武揚威,難道你還不能準備一把彈弓?”中國國防部在聲明中說道。)
  • 11、If the backward force is overload, the flight attitude and the safety of the armed helicopter will be affected seriously in the aerial rocket weapon system of armed helicopters.(對于武裝直升機載的航空火箭武器系統(tǒng),如果發(fā)射后坐力過大,將對載機的飛行姿態(tài)和安全造成嚴重影響。)
  • 12、The unidentified armed group used guns to force the Chinese crew to increase speed sailing towards Thailand.(不明武裝用槍逼著中國船員加足馬力向泰國駛?cè)ァ?
  • 13、No force is more powerful than knowledge, armed with knowledge of the people is invincible.(沒有任何力量比知識更強大,用知識武裝起來的人是不可戰(zhàn)勝的。翞。)
  • 14、They hold that science is what people are armed with to struggle for freedom, the first productive force and the concentrated embodiment and principal symbol of advanced productive force.(認為科學是人們爭取自由的一種武裝,是第一生產(chǎn)力,科學技術(shù)是先進生產(chǎn)力的集中體現(xiàn)和主要標志。)
  • 15、There are plans to launch a tourist-police force next year, with English-speaking officers to give a friendlier impression than armed checkpoints.(計劃明年發(fā)起一支旅游警察隊,由會說英語的工作人員組成,這樣比那些武裝檢查站可以給人一種更友好的印象。)
  • 16、Abbas reiterated his declaration from the 2003 Aqaba Summit about the need for the PA to have a monopoly onarmed force within its territory.(阿巴斯重申了他在2003年亞喀巴峰會中的聲明,表示巴勒斯坦民族權(quán)力機構(gòu)有必要控制所有在其區(qū)域內(nèi)的武裝力量。)

armed force基本釋義
