
as the case might be造句

as the case might be造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:59:46


as the case might be造句

  • 1、Health officials had expected two doses might be needed for H1N1 vaccines, as is the case for young children who receive a seasonal influenza shot for the first time.(衛(wèi)生部門官員曾經(jīng)預(yù)測(cè)人們或許需要接種兩支疫苗,類似于兒童首次接種季節(jié)性流感時(shí)的劑量。)
  • 2、In this case, the requester will get a connection failure event and it will be "in doubt" as to the status of its request. Several cases might hold.(這種情況下,請(qǐng)求方將收到一個(gè)連接失敗事件,并且它對(duì)其請(qǐng)求的狀態(tài)將是“存在疑問(wèn)”的。)
  • 3、As commander of Libya's armed forces (which might be the case whether he is a civilian or a military officer), as a matter of status as well as operational fact, Gaddafi is a lawful target.(作為利比亞武裝部隊(duì)的指揮官,(無(wú)論他是平民還是軍人),卡扎菲在身份上和實(shí)際事實(shí)上,都可以成為一個(gè)合法的目標(biāo)。)
  • 4、You know, she's a smart, very cut creature, a primate as well, but she lacks all the stuff we think might be messing us up. So she's the perfect test case.(她是一只聰明可愛(ài)的靈長(zhǎng)目動(dòng)物,她沒(méi)有那些束縛我們自身的制度,所以她是最完美的實(shí)驗(yàn)對(duì)象。)
  • 5、As any new business use case might require a different fetching strategy and can be applied with out modifying the lower level service or repository API.(任何新的業(yè)務(wù)都可能需要不同的抓取策略,這樣我們就無(wú)需修改底層服務(wù)或是Respository層的API就能應(yīng)用新的抓取策略了。)
  • 6、If this is the case, providing the results as a visualization might be one solution.(如果這樣的話,提供可視的結(jié)果將是一個(gè)解決方案。)
  • 7、As when using RPM, you should check your configuration files to be sure they haven't been changed and to look for new sample files in case the new version includes new options you might want to use.(因?yàn)樵谑褂肦PM時(shí),您應(yīng)當(dāng)檢查您的配置文件,確保它們沒(méi)有變更,并查找新的樣例文件,以防新版本包含您可能會(huì)使用的新選項(xiàng)。)
  • 8、Make sure that the core file size, as shown by ulimit -c is not set to 0, or a insufficient size, as in former case core file will not be produced at all and in the latter case it might be truncated.(確保core文件的大小(這可以在ulimit-c命令的結(jié)果中看到)沒(méi)有被設(shè)置為0或設(shè)置得太小,因?yàn)樵谇耙环N情況下,不會(huì)產(chǎn)生core文件,而在后一種情況下,core文件可能會(huì)被截?cái)唷?
  • 9、When a side leads with several goals, the attackers will not be as hungry when finishing which might lead to fewer goals in some matches (in the case the battle versus the goalie is tight).(這個(gè)是不是說(shuō)射手進(jìn)太多球后就沒(méi)那么渴望進(jìn)球了,大比分的情況會(huì)變少?) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 10、In this case, the employees might be very tired and upset; they might work slower or produce lower quality work as a result.(這種情況下,雇員會(huì)十分勞累和心煩,結(jié)果他們可能會(huì)干得更慢或工作質(zhì)量低下。)
  • 11、If the file does exist, then you can have a pretty good guess as to what its case-sensitive name might be.(如果該文件確實(shí)存在,那么您可以就其區(qū)分大小寫的名稱到底是什么進(jìn)行很好的猜測(cè)。)
  • 12、In offices which only network with other businesses, as might be the case with a wholesaler, a receptionist is still a vital member of the team.(只在辦公室與其他企業(yè)網(wǎng)絡(luò),可能是一個(gè)批發(fā)商的情況下,一個(gè)接待員仍然是一個(gè)團(tuán)隊(duì)的重要成員。)
  • 13、But as you've seen, there might be ways of reducing the overhead in each case.(但是,正如您已經(jīng)看到的,有一些方法可以減少每種情況的開(kāi)銷。)
  • 14、It does not mean the markets will collapse right away, although it might be the case as seen in 1929 and 2000.(當(dāng)然這并不意味著市場(chǎng)很快就會(huì)下跌崩潰,盡管也確實(shí)存在如1929和2000年的情形。)
  • 15、Whatever the case, it's not your job to point out that the Coaster has less on his plate than everyone else, as frustrating as this might be.(不管怎樣,指出”逍遙“人比別人做的工作都少,這不是你的職責(zé),盡管可能這會(huì)令人感到沮喪。)
  • 16、Production planning was seen as an essential element in improving efficiency. Why might that be the case?(生產(chǎn)計(jì)劃的編制被認(rèn)為是提高效率的關(guān)鍵因素,為什么?)
  • 17、Since the use cases might be identified as steps within a business process, every single use case has a purpose for existence.(由于用例可以作為業(yè)務(wù)流程中的步驟進(jìn)行標(biāo)識(shí),因此每個(gè)用例都有其存在的意義。)
  • 18、That might be a Web service, a System Component Architecture (SCA) service, or as special case of the latter, a subprocess that is exposed as an SCA service.(這可以是Web服務(wù)、系統(tǒng)組件體系結(jié)構(gòu)(SystemComponentArchitecture,SCA)服務(wù)或后者的特例——作為SCA服務(wù)公開(kāi)的超類。)
  • 19、The LORD commanded us to obey all these decrees and to fear the LORD our God, so that we might always prosper and be kept alive, as is the case today.(耶和華又吩咐我們遵行這一切律例,要敬畏耶和華我們的神,使我們常得好處,蒙他保全我們的生命,像今日一樣。)
  • 20、As you've seen, there might be ways of reducing the overhead in each case.(正如您已經(jīng)看到的,在每種情況下都有減少開(kāi)銷的方法。)
  • 21、In any case, as we can see, the mapping is not as direct as we might at first imagine it would be.(總之,就像我們看到的,映射不像我們想象的那樣直接。)
  • 22、The present author uses a documentary movie The Boatman which he has translated as the case study and he just wants to claim that Skopostheory might be adopted in the translation of this movie.(筆者運(yùn)用電影記錄片《船工》作為案例分析,說(shuō)明這部帶有濃郁湖北地域特色的電影可以運(yùn)用翻譯目的論來(lái)處理很多具體的翻譯問(wèn)題。)
  • 23、In the case where the Web server is available, this status code should be 200 (though in rare cases it might be a 30x or 40x code as well).(在Web服務(wù)器可用的情況下,這個(gè)狀態(tài)碼應(yīng)該是200(雖然在罕見(jiàn)情況下可能會(huì)是30x或40x)。)
  • 24、In the case of a breach of the speed warranty, it has been suggested that an alternative remedy might be to treat the vessel as off-hire for the appropriate period.(比如違反了船速保證,一項(xiàng)可供選擇的補(bǔ)救措施就是在合適的時(shí)間段內(nèi)停租。)
  • 25、Any readers have a guess as to why that might be the case?(有沒(méi)有讀者愿意猜猜這是為何?)
  • 26、If XML is embedded as little snippets within a larger format framework, it might be an unreasonable amount of overhead to require the declaration in every case.(如果XML作為片段內(nèi)嵌在更大的格式框架中,可能沒(méi)有理由要求每種情況下都帶有聲明。)
  • 27、And as always seems to be the case, be alert for any off hand comments or news articles ahead of Thursday's summit that might shake the markets up.(另外按慣例請(qǐng)關(guān)注周四峰會(huì)之前的即時(shí)評(píng)論及相關(guān)消息,這些可能影響市場(chǎng)。)
  • 28、For they themselves were prophets - false or true ones,as the case might be.(因?yàn)樗麄冏约壕褪窍戎袝r(shí)是假有時(shí)是真,視情況而定。)

as the case might be基本釋義

as the case might be

英 [?z e? keis mait bi:] 美 [?z ei kes ma?t bi] 
