
as far as be concerned造句

as far as be concerned造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:59:50


as far as be concerned造句

  • 1、Of course, it should all be knocked back with a cup of tea, but black pudding is optional as far as I’m concerned.(當(dāng)然,要搭配一杯茶,就我而言的話,也是個不錯的備選。)
  • 2、But he will not be attending conference every day, and will have his hands firmly off the tiller as far as editorial matters are concerned.(但他不會參加每天的例行會議,但凡是編輯事宜,他都會嚴(yán)格把關(guān)。)
  • 3、As far as you are concerned, a celebrity must be a famous actor or actress?(在你看來一個名流必須是一個著名的男演員或者是女演員嗎?)
  • 4、They simple cannot, because , as far as they are concerned, no one has "left"them behind. They are exactly where they choose to be .(她們當(dāng)然不會,因為只要和她們有關(guān)的,誰也不能把她們留在身后。她們的的確確是為自己選擇道路。)
  • 5、As far as your love life is concerned, the situation needn't be too bad.(就你的感情生活而言,情況還不是太壞。)
  • 6、As far as I'm concerned, students who make a lot of progress should also be rewarded with prizes.(在我看來,取得很大進(jìn)步的學(xué)生也應(yīng)該得到獎勵作為回報。)
  • 7、If default is to secure a deep cancellation of debt, it must be driven by Greece and it should be coercive as far as the Banks are concerned.(如果債務(wù)違約要確保大量削減債務(wù),就必須由希臘自己推動,強(qiáng)迫銀行執(zhí)行。)
  • 8、As far as Resource Manager and Library Server databases are concerned, once you have a baseline backup and all logs are intact, there is a guarantee that there will be no loss of data.(只要涉及到資源管理器和庫服務(wù)器數(shù)據(jù)庫,一旦有了一次原始備份,并且所有日志均完好無損,即可保證不損失任何數(shù)據(jù)。)
  • 9、As far as I am concerned, thanks the people do good to us, especially our parents should be the theme of our Chinese Thanksgiving Day.(我覺得,感謝那些對我們有恩的人,特別是我們的父母應(yīng)該要成為我們中國感恩節(jié)的主題。)
  • 10、You won't be doing anything fancy as far as compilation and deployment are concerned.(就編譯和部署而言,不要追求新奇。)
  • 11、So, as far as the beavers and I are concerned, this dam case can be referred for more elevated enforcement action right now.(因此,既然明白了這個水壩跟我還有這些海貍都有關(guān),這個水壩工程現(xiàn)在就可以有更多的強(qiáng)制措施來制止。)
  • 12、They cannot be split up any further as far as development work is concerned.(它們可以得到進(jìn)一步的分解直到您看到開發(fā)工作為止。)
  • 13、As far as I'm concerned, students should be allowed to wear their own clothes.(就我認(rèn)為,應(yīng)該允許學(xué)生穿他們自己的衣服。)
  • 14、As far as the reality shows are concerned, at least the ones I've been watching, it wouldn't be that bad if some of those people could actually die.(但是縱觀現(xiàn)在的電視節(jié)目,至少是我在看的那些節(jié)目,還沒有那個參與者真的會死的。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 15、She answered without hesitation that, as far as she was concerned, this would be a "privilege".(她毫不猶豫地回答說,在她看來,這將是一種“特權(quán)”。)
  • 16、As far as Dr Ornish is concerned, the message is that it is wrong to be nihilistic about cancer and assume that nothing can be done because "it is in the genes".(正如Ornish博士所關(guān)心的那樣,這一研究可以提供這樣的信息即那種認(rèn)為“癌癥是由基因決定的因此我們對它沒有任何辦法”的說法是錯誤的。)
  • 17、As far as Goldman Sachs is concerned, that may be too little, too late.(在高盛看來,那時已經(jīng)太微不足道,也太遲。)
  • 18、They may be there forever as far as any one of us is concerned… and forever is a long, long time.(就我們?nèi)魏我粋€人來說,它們也許會永遠(yuǎn)存在……永遠(yuǎn)是很長很長的時間。)
  • 19、However it does look as though there may be some benefits in a moderate intake of alcohol, certainly as far as the heart is concerned.(盡管如此,看起來好像適度飲用白酒還是有些好處,當(dāng)然是就心臟而言。)
  • 20、That covers everything as far as I'm concerned-music, photos, and videos are the three things I want to be able to transfer between my PC and my phone.(這些涵蓋了目前為止我所有的需求---音樂,照片,視頻這三樣我想在PC和手機(jī)之間傳輸?shù)奈募?
  • 21、The updated is compatible as far as client connectivity is concerned; that is, client requests can be routed to either revision of the application when update is in progress.(只要考慮了客戶機(jī)連接性,就能保證更新后的兼容性;即在進(jìn)行更新過程中,可以將客戶機(jī)請求路由到應(yīng)用程序的兩個修訂版本之一。)
  • 22、Yet as far as I am concerned there is no difference between psychosis and other illnesses, and I do not see why I should be made to feel ashamed.(然而,就我的意見來說精神病跟其他疾病并沒有什么區(qū)別,因此我也沒有任何理由對此感到羞恥。)
  • 23、As far as talent and ability are concerned, Babel should be a regular in the Liverpool side because we need a player with qualities on the flanks.(到目前為止考慮到他的天賦與能力,巴貝爾應(yīng)該是利物浦的首發(fā)邊路,因為我們急需在側(cè)翼有一位有能力的球員。)
  • 24、As far as Afghanistan is concerned, we must recognize that the international community is not going to be with us forever.(就阿富汗而言,我們必須認(rèn)識到國際社會不會永遠(yuǎn)在這里。)

as far as be concerned基本釋義