
as follows造句

as follows造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:59:50


as follows造句

  • 1、The parameters deciding the quality in polishing process areas follows: slurry, temperature, wafering time, and so on.(拋光過程中決定拋光質(zhì)量的參數(shù)有:拋光漿體、拋光溫度、拋光時(shí)間等。)
  • 2、On this evening the chief forces of the island were disposedas follows.(這天晚上,島上的主力部隊(duì)作了如下部署。)
  • 3、The opening hours areas follows...(營業(yè)時(shí)間如下…)
  • 4、However, Martinson argues, the effect of a warmer atmosphere may be offsetas follows.(然而,馬丁森認(rèn)為,氣候變暖的影響可能會(huì)以以下方式被抵消。)
  • 5、The reasons areas follows.(其理由如次。)
  • 6、Let me tabulate the resultsas follows.(讓我將結(jié)果列表如下。)
  • 7、The main contents areas follows.(主要內(nèi)容如下。)
  • 8、Briefly, the argument isas follows...(簡言之,理由如下…)
  • 9、The latter are in orderas follows: Hypochondriasis, Depression, Hysteria and Psychopathic Deviate.(后者依次為:疑病癥、抑郁癥、歇斯底里癥和精神病態(tài)。)
  • 10、The sentence readsas follows.(這個(gè)句子的內(nèi)容如下。)
  • 11、The main points of the plan areas follows.(計(jì)劃的要點(diǎn)如下。)
  • 12、The supported scenario isas follows.(所支持的場(chǎng)景如下。)
  • 13、And that's givenas follows.(這些將如下給出。) hAo86.com
  • 14、The text isas follows.(原文如次。)
  • 15、Expenditure on the project breaks downas follows: wages $10m, plant $4m, raw materials $5m.(這項(xiàng)工程的支出費(fèi)用分項(xiàng)列明如下:工資1000萬元,設(shè)備400萬元,原料500萬元。)
  • 16、Gas enterprise have many featuresas follows: inflammableness, explosion, poisoning and so on.(燃?xì)馄髽I(yè)有著易燃、易爆、有毒等特點(diǎn)。)
  • 17、The argument isas follows.(他們的論據(jù)如下。)
  • 18、There was a folk storyas follows.(如下是一個(gè)民間故事。)
  • 19、I've changed the last paragraph. It now readsas follows...(我已經(jīng)修改了最后一段?,F(xiàn)在是這樣寫的…)
  • 20、The winners areas follows: E. Walker; R. Foster; R. Gates; A. Mackintosh.(獲勝者如下:E.沃克、R.福斯特、R.蓋茨和A.麥金托什。)
  • 21、Answers will be givenas follows.(答案如下。)
  • 22、The statement reads in fullas follows ...;(聲明全文如下...)
  • 23、The contents areas follows.(具體內(nèi)容如下。)
  • 24、Define itas follows (as one line).(定義如下(一行)。)
  • 25、In Pride and Prejudice, some of the main things that Jane Austen wants to teach people areas follows.(在《傲慢與偏見》中,簡·奧斯汀想要教給人們的主要事情如下。)
  • 26、If you have a piece of scrap paper with you, suppose that you've started your programas follows.(如果你帶著一張廢紙,假如你已經(jīng)按如下方式啟動(dòng)了您的程序。)
  • 27、The direction is foundas follows.(方向求法是這樣的。)
  • 28、Our counteroffer isas follows.(我們還盤如下。)
  • 29、He wroteas follows.(他所寫如次。)
  • 30、It worksas follows.(它的工作原理如下。)

as follows基本釋義

as follows

