
as it were造句

as it were造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:59:49


as it were造句

  • 1、"It is easier," he says, "Don't look at an individual microscopicallyas it were through a magnifying glass."(“這會容易些?!彼f,“不要像用放大鏡那樣從微觀上看待一個人?!?
  • 2、That is the first rung,as it were.(事實上這是第一步。)
  • 3、They can provide a useful overview—an aerial map,as it were, to familiarize you with the main landscape features to be encountered during a course.(它們可以提供一個有用的概覽——一個航拍圖,可以讓你熟悉課程中遇到的主要景觀特征。)
  • 4、So that a man hath,as it were, two lives in his desires.(如此,一個人在完成心愿上簡直是有兩條性命了。)
  • 5、And so, armed with a soul,as it were, there's at least the possibility of immortality.(因此,擁有一個靈魂,實際上,至少有永生的可能性。)
  • 6、They are,as it were, the skeletons of the sea and the air.(這種結構似乎一直以來都是海水和空氣的骨架。)
  • 7、I'd understood the words, but I didn't,as it were, understand the question.(我已經理解了這些詞,但我似乎還不理解這個問題。)
  • 8、In the warmth,as it were, another memory unfolded.(仿佛,確實有一段回憶在溫暖中展開。)
  • 9、It is time for the industry to start thinking outside the box,as it were.(某種程度上,現在是該讓電腦產業(yè)思考電腦機箱外部的問題的時候了。)
  • 10、Where and when do you want to peak,?as it were, in terms of your accomplishments?(你想在什么時間到達巔峰,如果它說的是你的成就方面?)
  • 11、The team's first step,as it were, was to find a suitable leg sample.(可以說,那里奇團隊研究的第一步,是尋找適合的腿部樣本。)
  • 12、That is, there is an asset such that it has the maximum safety possible, a safety of infinityas it were.(也就是說存在一種具備最大化安全性可能的資產,它的安全程度是無限的。)
  • 13、Argentina's reputation - its credit rating,as it were - remains in shreds.(阿根廷的信譽——也就是該國的信用評級——依舊低迷。)
  • 14、But if the mind is active it mustas it were utter itself.(但由于精神既是主動的,則精神必會表現其自身于外。)
  • 15、Every idea we have isas it were copied from what we sense or experience.(我們的每一個觀念似乎都來自我們的感覺或是經驗。)
  • 16、The trend,as it were, is not new.(某種程度上來說,這并不是新的潮流。)
  • 17、He was not being straight,as it were, with Rick Warren.(和以前一樣,他在和瑞克·沃倫牧師的時候沒有說實話。)
  • 18、The more you look at Ida the more you can picture,as it were, the primate in embryo.(你越端詳艾達,就越能想像萌芽中的靈長類動物,艾達可以說就是萌芽中的靈長類動物。) hAo86.com
  • 19、Now, I do certainly understand what your correspondent,as it were, were saying about beauty.(當然,我理解可以說您的朋友,對美麗的看法。)
  • 20、So think of this,as it were, from the point of view of Napoleon, right?(從拿破侖的角度來思考這個問題?)
  • 21、Worse still, we leave the entire process to chance—to the Fates,as it were.(更糟糕的是我們把這過程歸結于機遇或者是命運。)
  • 22、Teachers must put the brakes on,as it were, when they notice students looking puzzled.(當老師發(fā)現學生神色茫然時,就應該在一定程度上放慢速度。)
  • 23、As to the price of Mars and beyond, the sky is,as it were, the limit.(至于登上火星和其他外部世界的代價,可以說是天價。)

as it were基本釋義

as it were

英 [?z it w?:] 美 [?z ?t w?:] 
可以說; 在某種程度上
