as long as造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:59:48


as long as造句

  • 1、as long as I live, I have enough for me and the child.(只要我能活著,有足夠的錢(qián)養(yǎng)活我和孩子。)
  • 2、An apartment, probably,as long as it has two bedrooms.(大概一套公寓就行,只要有兩間臥室就可以了。)
  • 3、as long as you have your health, nothing else matters.(只要身體健康,其他任何事都無(wú)關(guān)緊要。)
  • 4、as long as the operative word is "greed," you can't count on people keeping the costs down.(只要關(guān)鍵詞是“貪婪”,你就不能指望人們降低開(kāi)銷。)
  • 5、Nothing will changeas long as the workers continue to accept these appalling conditions.(只要工人繼續(xù)容忍這種惡劣的勞動(dòng)條件,情況就不會(huì)有任何改變。)
  • 6、There's a list of repairsas long as your arm.(有一份長(zhǎng)得要命的修理單。)
  • 7、as long as you're happy, that's all that matters.(只要你幸福,這就是最重要的事情。)
  • 8、You are welcome to come and stayas long as you give us plenty of notice.(只要你及時(shí)通知,我們都?xì)g迎你來(lái)住宿。)
  • 9、Vijay Singh says the course will not playas long as the yardage indicates.(維杰-辛格說(shuō)這個(gè)洞雖然碼數(shù)長(zhǎng),但不需要打很多桿。)
  • 10、I shall never learn it hereas long as I live.(只要我還活著,我在這兒永遠(yuǎn)也學(xué)不會(huì)的。)
  • 11、What I really want is to live healthily foras long as possible.(我真正想要的是盡可能長(zhǎng)久、健康地活著。)
  • 12、Customers often defer payment foras long as possible.(顧客們經(jīng)常盡可能地推遲付款。)
  • 13、We'll goas long as the weather is good.(只要天氣好我們就去。)
  • 14、Stayas long as you like.(你愿待多久就待多久。)
  • 15、They're welcome to stay hereas long as they like.(他們?cè)谶@里愿意住多久就住多久。)
  • 16、He will never be good for anythingas long as he lives!(只要他活著,他就不會(huì)有任何好處!) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 17、I told Norman I would invest in his ventureas long as he agreed to one proviso.(我告訴諾曼,只要他同意一個(gè)限制性條款我就投資他的企業(yè)。)
  • 18、We will fight foras long as it takes.(我們要一直斗爭(zhēng)到底。)
  • 19、as long as mist hangs o'er the mountains, the deeds of the brave will be remembered.(只要云霧還環(huán)繞著群山,英勇事跡就會(huì)被人銘記。)
  • 20、I'm fineas long as you are happy.(我很好,只要你開(kāi)心就好。)
  • 21、I've known her at leastas long as you have.(我認(rèn)識(shí)她至少和你認(rèn)識(shí)她的時(shí)間一樣久了。)
  • 22、You can phone me at workas long as you don't make a habit of it.(你可以在上班時(shí)給我打電話,只要你別讓這成為習(xí)慣就行。)
  • 23、I reckon we're safeas long as we keep mum.(我想只要我們保守秘密,就不會(huì)有危險(xiǎn)。)
  • 24、as long as staff members are well-groomed, it does not matter how long their hair is.(只要工作人員打扮整齊,他們的頭發(fā)多長(zhǎng)不要緊。)
  • 25、He said he would still support them,as long as they didn't break the rules.(他說(shuō)只要他們不違反規(guī)則,他仍然會(huì)支持他們。)
  • 26、You may stayas long as you please.(你想待多久就待多久。)
  • 27、Anyone can be an astrologeras long as they are mathematically minded.(任何人都可能成為占星家,只要他們具有數(shù)學(xué)頭腦。)
  • 28、We can stay here foras long as our supplies hold out.(我們可以在這里一直待到我們的儲(chǔ)備品用完。)
  • 29、Tiles can be fixed to any surfaceas long as it's flat, firm and dry.(瓷磚可以固定在任何表面上,只要這些表面是平整、堅(jiān)固、干燥的。)
  • 30、It wasas long as the blackboard.(它和黑板一樣長(zhǎng)。)

as long as基本釋義

as long as

英 [?z l?? ?z] 美 [?z l?? ?z] 

只要; 如果; 既然; 由于