aside from造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:59:42


aside from造句

  • 1、The writer can standaside from experience and look at it, watch it happening.(作者可以根據(jù)經(jīng)驗(yàn)旁觀它,看著它發(fā)生。)
  • 2、aside from occasional bits of horrible writing, he does it justice.(除了偶爾有些令人討厭的文字之外,他做到了公正。)
  • 3、aside from the health issue, I just find something creepy about eating 100 animals at once.(除了健康問題,我還發(fā)現(xiàn)一次吃100只動(dòng)物很可怕。)
  • 4、All those things are true, butaside from him, all his friends and family are played by actors.(所有這些都是真的,除了他,他所有的朋友和家人都是由演員扮演的。)
  • 5、Quiteaside from her tiredness, Amanda seemed unnaturally abstracted.(除了疲憊不堪,阿曼達(dá)看上去還一反常態(tài)地心不在焉。)
  • 6、aside from the panels on the roof, Premier Gardens looks like a community of conventional homes.(除了屋頂上的嵌板,PremierGardens看起來就像一個(gè)傳統(tǒng)住宅社區(qū)。)
  • 7、Butaside from these minor details I can't imagine a better job.(但是拋除這些小細(xì)節(jié)不論,我再也想不到一份更好的工作了。)
  • 8、aside from minor differences in the shape of the neck vertebrae, early birds and their Maniraptoran kin, look very much alike.(撇開頸椎形狀的微小差別不談,早期鳥類和它們手盜龍家族的近親看起來非常相似。)
  • 9、aside from headaches, he showed no signs of lasting brain damage.(除了頭痛,沒有任何跡象表明他曾受過腦損傷。)
  • 10、aside from the web cameras, a number of other high-tech methods are becoming increasingly popular.(除了網(wǎng)絡(luò)攝像頭,許多其他高科技也越來越受歡迎。)
  • 11、aside from the picturesque scenery of Sichuan province, the dishes there is also an attraction to tourists.(除了四川如畫的風(fēng)景以外,川菜對(duì)游客也很有吸引力。)
  • 12、aside from such surface troubles, deeper problems have emerged.(除了這些表面上的動(dòng)蕩,更深層次的問題已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)了。)
  • 13、aside from cleaning up, the two will also cook breakfast and even get coffee and painkillers for recovering merrymakers.(除了打掃衛(wèi)生,兩人還會(huì)做早餐,甚至還會(huì)去買咖啡和止痛藥,讓那些尋歡作樂的人清醒過來。)
  • 14、aside from the bare necessities, things do not make life better.(除了那些必需品,其他的東西不會(huì)使我們的生活變得更好。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 15、aside from this site I still don't.(除了這個(gè)網(wǎng)站我仍然一無所有。)
  • 16、aside from food and water, these people need medical attention.(除了食物和水,這些難民需要醫(yī)療援助。)
  • 17、Your talk is a littleaside from the subject of our disussion.(你的發(fā)言稍微偏離了我們討論會(huì)的主題。)
  • 18、The room was emptyaside from one man seated beside the fire.(這個(gè)房間別無他人,除了一個(gè)坐在爐火旁的男人。)
  • 19、There are no programmed activities,aside from the odd safety drill.(沒有程式化的活動(dòng),但臨時(shí)的安全訓(xùn)練除外。)
  • 20、aside from the practicalities, though, they have an incredible bond.(撇開這些現(xiàn)實(shí)的東西不說,他們是有著一種不可思議的紐帶的。)
  • 21、What do you bring to the jamboree, darling, huh?aside from those baby blues and a knife?(你帶了什么來派對(duì),寶貝,哈?除了那件嬰兒藍(lán)上衣和那把刀之外?)
  • 22、aside from its design, it is a serious piece of technology.(除設(shè)計(jì)外,它絕對(duì)是一件科技產(chǎn)品。)
  • 23、aside from the Petroline (East-West Saudi Pipeline), Saudi Arabia has also been looking at alternative transit routes.(除了原油管線(東西方沙特管道),沙特阿拉伯還在尋找其他的運(yùn)輸路線。)
  • 24、aside from the technical challenges, the project will also pose a serious financial challenge.(除了技術(shù)上的挑戰(zhàn),該項(xiàng)目還將帶來重大的財(cái)務(wù)挑戰(zhàn)。)
  • 25、aside from the sick, what of the healthy?(除了病人,健康人方面又怎么樣呢?)
  • 26、But in most browsersaside from IE it gets flaky.(但在除ie之外的大多數(shù)瀏覽器中,它就變得稀奇古怪了。)
  • 27、aside from the high cost, the plan was a good one.(除了費(fèi)用之外,這可是個(gè)好計(jì)劃。)
  • 28、aside from a few scratches, I'm OK.(除了幾處擦傷外,我安然無恙。)

aside from基本釋義

aside from

英 [??said fr?m] 美 [??sa?d fr?m] 

除…之外; 既…又…; 暫置不論