
at the opposite extreme造句

at the opposite extreme造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:59:22


at the opposite extreme造句

  • 1、At the same time, managers need to avoid swinging to the opposite extreme.(與此同時,管理人員需避免走向?qū)α⒌臉O端。)
  • 2、at the opposite extreme from the Melmans are people who seem to be genetically programmed to escape the problem.(與Melmans一家相反的極端例子是,那些遺傳良好的人們應(yīng)付這個問題似乎易如反掌。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 3、You can polarize into your opposite but will automatically experience the opposing thought form at some point, for any one swing to one extreme will result in a swing back to its opposite.(你能偏振進(jìn)你的對立面,但將在某些點(diǎn)上自動地體驗(yàn)到另一面的思想形態(tài),因?yàn)槿魏我粋€擺動到了任何一個極端都將擺回它相反的一端。)
  • 4、at the opposite extreme, there is a cascade of drivel that starts with the CEO and flows down through everyone in the organisation.(在另一個極端,廢話呈瀑布狀,從首席執(zhí)行官開始,一路往下流,組織中的每個人都難以幸免。)
  • 5、Equally frustrating is the opposite extreme, where a driver sits at a red light for minutes even though there's no car in sight to take advantage of the intersecting green.(相反的情況同樣令人沮喪,當(dāng)綠燈通行方向沒有任何車輛時,一個駕駛者卻要在另一方向的紅燈前等待數(shù)分鐘。)

at the opposite extreme基本釋義