
at the top of造句

at the top of造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:59:19


at the top of造句

  • 1、Traditionally, the Brahmins, or the priestly class, are setat the top of the social pyramid.(傳統(tǒng)上,婆羅門或僧侶階層位于社會金字塔的頂層。)
  • 2、She wasat the top of the terrorists' hit list for over two years.(她被恐怖分子列為頭號謀殺對象長達兩年。)
  • 3、I waitedat the top of the stairs.(我在樓梯頂端上等著。)
  • 4、The temple which had lainat the top of the hill disappeared.(曾經(jīng)位于山頂?shù)哪亲鶑R不見了。)
  • 5、It was a light spacious apartmentat the top of the building.(大樓頂層是一套寬敞明亮的房子。)
  • 6、They finished the seasonat the top of the league.(他們打完這個賽季之后積分高居聯(lián)賽的榜首。)
  • 7、We have a lot of things to do, but packing isat the top of the list.(我們有許多事情要做,但首先是打點行裝。)
  • 8、Your commit message should beat the top of the log.(您的提交消息應該位于日志的頂部。)
  • 9、I like itat the top of my file.(我喜歡它放到我文件的頂端。)
  • 10、She was screamingat the top of her voice.(她在聲嘶力竭地尖叫。)
  • 11、at the top of your jump, bring the knees to the chest.(在跳到最高點時,膝蓋要靠近胸部。)
  • 12、New Zealand isat the top of the pecking order of rugby nations.(新西蘭在橄欖球國家中首屈一指。)
  • 13、She was standingat the top of the stairs.(她站在樓梯的頂端。)
  • 14、We'reat the top of the food chain here.(我們是食物鏈的頂端。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 15、The title is rightat the top of the page.(標題就在頁面的頂端。)
  • 16、Who'sat the top of your speed-dial list?(誰在你的電話快速撥號單上位居第一?)
  • 17、"Damn!" he yelledat the top of his voice.(“該死!”他聲嘶力竭地喊道。)
  • 18、I'll meet youat the top of Thorpe Street.(我會和你在索普大街的盡頭碰面。)
  • 19、A chill wind blewat the top of the hill.(山頂上刮了一陣涼颼颼的風。)
  • 20、The Queen shoutedat the top of her voice.(王后放聲大喊。)
  • 21、The criminal judicial system always comes upat the top of the list of voters' concerns in focus groups.(刑事司法制度總是出現(xiàn)在焦點小組中投票者關注事項之首。)
  • 22、He'sat the top of his profession.(他在同行中首屈一指。)
  • 23、Someone had played a trick on her, stretched a piece of stringat the top of those steps.(有人對她搞惡作劇,在那些臺階的頂部拉了一根繩子。)
  • 24、From his positionat the top of the hill, he could see the harbour.(他在山頭那個位置可以俯瞰海港。)
  • 25、He found her panting for breathat the top of the hill.(上到山頂他發(fā)現(xiàn)她上氣不接下氣。)
  • 26、He arrived breathlessat the top of the stairs.(他爬上樓梯頂時氣喘吁吁的。)
  • 27、They pausedat the top of the stairs, doubtful as to which way to go next.(他們在樓梯的頂頭停了下來,不知道下一步朝哪個方向走。)
  • 28、Do you want your address printedat the top of the letter?(你要不要把地址印在信的頂端?)
  • 29、Who'sat the top of the food chain now?(現(xiàn)在誰在食物鏈的頂端?)
  • 30、The church was builtat the top of a small rise.(教堂建在一座小山頂上。)

at the top of基本釋義