au pair造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:59:13


au pair造句

  • 1、You would have to hire one or two people to clean all the rooms in the house, plus a few people to take care of the gardens, and probably anau pair or two to take care of the children.(你得雇一倆個人來打掃所有的房間,再雇好幾個人來打理花園,也很可能還需要一倆個保姆照顧孩子們。)
  • 2、It was not unusual in the 1990s to hear Sonia Gandhi referred to inDelhisocial circles as "the Italianau pair".(90年代聽到索尼亞·甘地愿意在新德里陌生的社會圈過著“意大利人在印度的寄居”生活這是不尋常的。)
  • 3、A friend of mine spent a year as a live-in nanny, orau pair, in Paris.(我有個朋友曾在巴黎做過一年的住家保姆。)
  • 4、To become anau pair changed me to a better person and I will never forget my year.(做互惠生后讓我成為一個更優(yōu)秀的人,并讓我永生難忘。)
  • 5、Myau pair, now promoted to “flu friend”, collected the prescription and I took my first Tamiflu at around 6pm. After about an hour, I became dimly aware of a strange foreboding in my stomach.(我的互裨現(xiàn)在也升級為“流感難友”,為我取處方藥,下午大約6點(diǎn)的時候我首次服用了達(dá)菲。)
  • 6、We've got a Germanau pair for six months.(我們找到了一個可以干六個月的德國換工。)
  • 7、A big goal of mine as yourau pair is to fit in with your family and to share our cultures!(我做互惠生最大的目標(biāo)是融入您的家庭并與您分享我們的文化。)
  • 8、They left theau pair in charge of the children for a week.(他們把孩子留給做換工的照料一周。)
  • 9、Anau pair girl must have at least one day off each week as time to attend English classes, which is, after all, their main reason for being in Britain.(換工女孩每周至少有一天的休息去上英語課。畢竟,這是他們來英國的主要原因。)
  • 10、The immortals are so moved that they send it to heaven, where it becomes Chang 'eau pair.(三個神仙很感動,就把兔子待到天宮,變成嫦娥身邊的玉兔。)
  • 11、My year as an au-pair was a great experience.(做互惠生是一段很不錯的經(jīng)歷。)
  • 12、Anau pair is not allowed to take a job in this country; the light household duties which are part of theau pair's arrangement are not regarded as employment.(女寄居生不允許在這個國家里擁有工作,輕松的家務(wù)活作為寄居生安排的一部分不被看作是就業(yè)。)
  • 13、Either Europe organizations or CAPC, we hope more and more youth knowau pair in the world, make them learn exotic culture, and have a chance to experience an exotic life in person.(無論是CAPC,還是歐洲機(jī)構(gòu),均希望國際上越來越多的青年能夠了解互惠,加入互惠,并通過互惠讓青年了解到異國的文化,擁有親身體驗國外生活的機(jī)會。)
  • 14、They have anau pair living in.(他們有個換工姑娘住在家里。)

au pair基本釋義

au pair

英 [??? ?pe?(r)] 美 [?o? ?per] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):au pairs
