
associate with造句

associate with造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:59:38


associate with造句

  • 1、For Jews do notassociate with Samaritans.(原來猶太人和撒馬利亞人沒有來往。)
  • 2、For example, one echo they quickly identify is the one theyassociate with a moth, which is common prey for a bat, particularly a moth beating its wings.(例如,他們很快就能識別出與飛蛾有關(guān)的回聲,飛蛾是蝙蝠的常見獵物,尤其是撲打翅膀的飛蛾。)
  • 3、Select the functional test script name, S1, which you need toassociate with the TC1 test case, and click OK.(選擇功能性測試腳本名,S1,您需要將其與TC1測試用例相聯(lián)系,并點(diǎn)擊OK。)
  • 4、Table 3 shows the business variables we'll create and the policies we'llassociate with them.(表3展示了我們將創(chuàng)建的業(yè)務(wù)變量以及相關(guān)聯(lián)的策略。)
  • 5、We really do become who weassociate with and as you know, you should notassociate with toxic people.(對于和我們有聯(lián)系的人,我們就應(yīng)該這樣做,并且正如你知道的一樣,你應(yīng)該少和那些有毒害的人來往。)
  • 6、This courtly poetry came out of the idea of chivalry and courtly love that you mightassociate with knights in shining armor.(這種宮廷風(fēng)格的詩歌來源于騎士精神和宮廷式的愛情,你可能會(huì)把它與穿著閃亮盔甲的騎士聯(lián)系在一起。)
  • 7、The meanings weassociate with the phrase will change accordingly.(我們與這個(gè)短語聯(lián)系在一起的意思會(huì)隨之改變。)
  • 8、Leisure is not something weassociate with China, the factory of the world.(休閑與有世界工廠之稱的中國毫無關(guān)系。)
  • 9、It is also the colour we oftenassociate with calm and serenity.(我們也經(jīng)常將它與沉著和寧靜聯(lián)系起來。)
  • 10、What do you want people toassociate with your brand?(你希望人們通過你的品牌聯(lián)想到什么?)
  • 11、I could never bring myself toassociate with such a woman.(我從來不敢與這樣的女人交往。)
  • 12、She didn't want toassociate with the likes of me.(她不想與我這種類型的人交往。)
  • 13、SetAccessibleDescription (String description) sets the description toassociate with a given Accessible object.(setAccessibleDescription(Stringdescription)設(shè)置與給定accessible對象相關(guān)聯(lián)的description。)
  • 14、Use subject lines that carry a consistent theme that recipients willassociate with your brand.(主題欄應(yīng)該使用讓收件人聯(lián)想到你的品牌、一致的主題。)
  • 15、Our goal was to find a fragrance that women and men wouldassociate with youth.(我們的目標(biāo)是找到一種讓人覺得能永葆青春的芳香。)
  • 16、I love toassociate with my fellow teachers.(我喜歡跟其他老師交往。)
  • 17、Do theyassociate with Mary and Ken out of genuine affection, or because spending time with such miserable types makes them feel (and look) better?(他們與瑪麗和肯恩交往是出于真誠的感情,還是因?yàn)榕c這種可悲的人在一起會(huì)讓他們感覺(和看起來)更好?)
  • 18、Who youassociate with influences your thoughts, actions and behaviour.(你和誰往來會(huì)影響你的思想、活動(dòng)和行為。)
  • 19、All of this we canassociate with the pleasure principle.(這些我們都可以和快樂原則聯(lián)系起來。)
  • 20、Another task you don't normallyassociate with the command line is the use of prepared statements.(通常您不會(huì)聯(lián)系到命令行的另外一項(xiàng)任務(wù)就是使用準(zhǔn)備好的語句。)
  • 21、Neverassociate with bad companions.(別和壞人結(jié)交。)
  • 22、The user selects one or more records they wish toassociate with the activity.(這個(gè)用戶可以選擇選擇一個(gè)或者更多他們想要集成的行為的記錄。)
  • 23、Someassociate with partners to ensure that they get help and protection in case of need.(還有一些人與人合伙,以在必要的時(shí)候得到幫助和保護(hù)。)
  • 24、associate with positive people and protect yourself from all types of negativity.(和積極的人們交往,保護(hù)自己不受所有形式的消極侵害。)
  • 25、Weassociate with all sorts of people.(我們同各種各樣的人有交往。)
  • 26、Some of them also exhibit characteristics that many of us wouldassociate with being a bully.(他們中的某些人表現(xiàn)出的性格讓我們聯(lián)想到了恃強(qiáng)凌弱者。)
  • 27、Select the appropriate project in theassociate with project area.(在AssociatewithProject區(qū)域中選擇適當(dāng)?shù)捻?xiàng)目。)
  • 28、SetAccessibleName (String name) sets the name toassociate with a given Accessible object.(setAccessibleName(Stringname)設(shè)置與給定accessible對象相關(guān)聯(lián)的name。)
  • 29、Perhaps you're into history, because many of the people youassociate with are big history buffs?(也許你愿意深入學(xué)習(xí)歷史,因?yàn)槟闵磉叺暮芏嗳硕紝v史感興趣?) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 30、The groups youassociate with often determine the type of person you become -- healthy or unhealthy.(你所屬的圈子通常決定你會(huì)成為哪一種人:健康還是不健康。)

associate with基本釋義

associate with

英 [??s?u?ieit wie] 美 [??so??i?e?t w?e] 
與 ... 常在一起; 和 ... 聯(lián)想在一起
