
at a premium造句

at a premium造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:59:33


at a premium造句

  • 1、That's especially important on smaller lots, where space isat a premium.(這是特別重要的小手,在空間狹小的。)
  • 2、For more complex setups, where IP addresses areat a premium, this method will not work.(對(duì)于更復(fù)雜的設(shè)置(在其中IP地址很寶貴),這種方法是無效的。)
  • 3、This paper, which Nintendo soldat a premium, could be peeled away from its backing and used as stickers.(這個(gè)文件,其中以溢價(jià)出售任天堂,可以去皮偏離其支持和貼紙使用。)
  • 4、However, this convenience and flexibility often comeat a premium.(但是,這種便捷性和靈活性往往是價(jià)格較高。)
  • 5、Shares are sellingat a premium.(這種股票以高于面值的價(jià)格出售。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 6、If space isat a premium, choose adaptable furniture that won't fill the room.(如果空間很有限,就選購不太占地方的可改裝家具。)
  • 7、He eventually sold the shares back to the bankat a premium.(他最終以高價(jià)將股票返售給了銀行。)
  • 8、Time isat a premium these days for most professionals.(如今,時(shí)間對(duì)于很多職業(yè)人士來說非常寶貴。)
  • 9、Space isat a premium in a one-bedroomed apartment.(單居室公寓的空間是很有限的。)
  • 10、Hectic work schedules and the demands of bringing up children mean spare time for parents isat a premium, the research found.(繁忙的工作計(jì)劃以及養(yǎng)兒育女的重?fù)?dān)便意味著,閑暇時(shí)光對(duì)于他們來說已然是種奢侈。)
  • 11、He worked mainly in New York City where living space is notoriouslyat a premium.(他主要在紐約市工作,那里的生存空間出了名地昂貴。)
  • 12、The zinc batteries will likely comeat a premium and Apple has had a knack for getting its fan base to look beyond price points.(鋅電池應(yīng)當(dāng)說還是來得相當(dāng)高端的,蘋果就有讓它的粉絲買東西不看價(jià)格小標(biāo)簽的本事。)
  • 13、Wall Street generally tradesat a premium to Europe but the premium today is more than three times the historical average.(華爾街通常以溢價(jià)在歐洲市場進(jìn)行交易,但是今天的溢價(jià)比歷史平均水平要高出三倍。)
  • 14、They have such a limited amount of space and everything isat a premium there.(他們的空間量如此局限,所有東西在那都是珍惜的。)
  • 15、Space isat a premium in this building.(在這個(gè)建筑物里場地面積十分昂貴。)
  • 16、The hope is still that as markets recover, AIG can sell the crown jewels of its insurance businessat a premium to book value.(希望仍寄托在隨著市場的復(fù)蘇,AIG可以以優(yōu)于賬面的溢價(jià)出售其保險(xiǎn)業(yè)務(wù)的精華部分。)
  • 17、This risk is cover ableat a premium of …%.(這種附加險(xiǎn)的保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)是千分之二。。)
  • 18、They take bleeding edge technology, marry it with exceptional design, and sell itat a premium price.(他們把最高端的技術(shù)與超群的設(shè)計(jì)融為一體然后賣出高價(jià)。)
  • 19、You can also buy domains cheap and then sellat a premium.(你也可以購買便宜的域名,然后溢價(jià)出售。)
  • 20、This makes these plants particularly suitable for submarines, where space isat a premium.(這對(duì)于空間相當(dāng)珍貴的潛艇來說是非常適合的。)
  • 21、Runs cameat a premium, earned with difficulty through cunning, aggression and patience.(跑回本壘得一分,要靠機(jī)智、進(jìn)攻和耐性艱難取得。)
  • 22、Ratos now tradesat a premium.(現(xiàn)在他們是溢價(jià)交易。)
  • 23、Clarity will beat a premium, and those who are fully aware will be able to help others understand.(清晰將會(huì)是奇缺的,而且那些完全了解的人將能夠幫助其它人了解。)
  • 24、Hot issue an issue that sellsat a premium over the public offering price on the first day of trading.(熱門發(fā)行在發(fā)行后第一個(gè)交易日股價(jià)高于公開發(fā)行價(jià)格的股票。)
  • 25、This is an issue due to the fact that many people run portable software on their USB flash drives, so space may beat a premium.(由于很多人是在USB閃盤上使用便攜軟件的,這就造成了一個(gè)問題,所以空間的優(yōu)先級(jí)應(yīng)該更高。)

at a premium基本釋義

at a premium

英 [?t ? ?pri:mi?m] 美 [?t e ?primi?m] 
以超過一般的價(jià)格; 以高價(jià)
