
at a rate of造句

at a rate of造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:59:33


at a rate of造句

  • 1、If such practices are unchecked, half the species in the Coral triangle will continue to disappearat a rate of 1-2% a year.(如果這些行為不加以制止,那么珊瑚三角區(qū)內一半的物種將以每年1-2%的速度繼續(xù)消亡。)
  • 2、Nevertheless, in the third quarter the economy has probably been growingat a rate of only 1.5-2%.(此外,三季度經濟增長率非??赡苤挥?.5-2%。)
  • 3、By some estimates, the Sahara desert in Africa is growingat a rate of 0.5 miles per month.(據(jù)估計,非洲的撒哈拉大沙漠正以每月0.5英里的速度擴展。)
  • 4、Over an 18-month period, patients receiving the placebo relapsedat a rate of 70 percent.(在18個月治療期間,服用安慰劑的患者復發(fā)率為70%。)
  • 5、He expects the economy to growat a rate of around 2.5% in the second half of the year.(他預計下半年的增長率約為2.5%。)
  • 6、This happensat a rate of 125 million symbols per second-the same rate as Fast Ethernet.(傳送信號的速度和快速以太網(wǎng)一樣,達到每秒12.5億個數(shù)據(jù)符。)
  • 7、Then, the water level began to dropat a rate of 30 centimeters (about a foot) each year.(那時,水平面開始以每年30厘米的速度下降。)
  • 8、In 2009 pubs closedat a rate of 40 a week, according to the British Beer and pub Association in London.(根據(jù)英國倫敦啤酒和酒吧協(xié)會統(tǒng)計,在2009年,每星期有40家酒吧倒閉。)
  • 9、But native species disappearedat a rate of roughly two per year, while more than one newcomer arrived.(但是本地土著物種在以大約每年兩個的速度消失,而新的外來物種每年卻不止一個。)
  • 10、Since the recovery began, the economy has grownat a rate of less than 3%.(本次經濟復蘇之后,增長率一直保持在3%以下。)
  • 11、Nigeria, by contrast, has been chopping its forests downat a rate of 3.7% a year.(相比之下,尼日利亞每年的森林砍伐率為3.7%。)
  • 12、The company designed the car to be builtat a rate of 10, 000 or more a year.(該公司每年設計和制造的汽車在1萬臺以上。)
  • 13、Meanwhile, chain pubs and café-bars are openingat a rate of two a week.(與此同時,連鎖酒吧和咖啡酒吧的數(shù)量以每周兩家的速度增加。)
  • 14、Pushat a rate of 100 beats a minute.(保持一分鐘一百次的頻率。) haO86.com
  • 15、According to one report, the water is advancingat a rate of between 8 and 10 inches a day.(根據(jù)一份報告,大水在以每天8至10英寸的速度逼近。)
  • 16、While most disease-causing mutated are found in humansat a rate of one in a few thousand to one in a few million people, founder mutation can occur at much higher rates.(雖然大多數(shù)致病突變在人類中發(fā)現(xiàn)的概率為千分之一到百萬分之一,但基礎突變發(fā)生的幾率可能高得多。)
  • 17、In recent years, melting has acceleratedat a rate of 7 percent each year.(近年來的融化速度每年遞增7%。)
  • 18、The media is shackled, and executions are occurringat a rate of almost two a day.(媒體被控制,死刑的執(zhí)行幾乎是一天兩個。)
  • 19、And those graduating from public colleges defaultedat a rate of 6%, an increase from 5.9%.(公立大學畢業(yè)生的違約率為6%,高于07年的5.9%。)
  • 20、A mole can digat a rate of 3.5m per hour.(鼴鼠在一個小時內能挖3.5米深的洞穴。)
  • 21、In places, the water table is decliningat a rate of a meter a year, necessitating the periodic deepening of wells and the use of ever-more-powerful pumps.(在一些地方,水位正以每年一米的速度下降,需要定期加深井并使用更強大的水泵。)
  • 22、Royal Mail says it is losing trafficat a rate of some 10% a year.(皇家郵政說,他們目前每年都會流失10%的業(yè)務量。)
  • 23、Car hijackings are runningat a rate of nearly 50 a day.(平均每天發(fā)生50起劫車事件。)
  • 24、Telecoms operators are seeing customers abandon landlinesat a rate of 700,000 per month.(電信運營商們眼睜睜看著固定電話用以每月70萬戶的速度流失。)
  • 25、For example, "by 3x" meansat a rate of three times that seen on that day.(例如,“by3x”意味著是那天看到的速率的3倍。)
  • 26、New diet books appearat a rate of nearly one a week.(飲食方面的新書以幾乎每周一本的頻率出版。)

at a rate of基本釋義