at least造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:59:28


at least造句

  • 1、Most of the students sitat least 5 GCSEs.(大多數(shù)學(xué)生至少參加5門普通中等教育證書考試。)
  • 2、He always hasat least two bodyguards in attendance.(他至少總有兩名保鏢護(hù)衛(wèi)。)
  • 3、It'll costat least 500 dollars.(這東西至少要花500元。)
  • 4、Most guests makeat least one foray into the town.(大多數(shù)客人至少去過一次城里。)
  • 5、Almost all homes haveat least one TV set.(差不多每家都至少有一臺(tái)電視機(jī)。)
  • 6、She didat least write to say thank you.(她至少還寫了信道謝。)
  • 7、You should visit your dentistat least twice a year.(你應(yīng)該每年至少去看兩次牙科醫(yī)生。)
  • 8、Well,at least he was in town. That was something.(哦,至少他還在城里。那也算不錯(cuò)啦。)
  • 9、at least half the partygoers were under 15.(這些參加聚會(huì)的人中至少有一半不到15歲。)
  • 10、Most households now ownat least one car.(大多數(shù)家庭現(xiàn)在至少有一輛汽車。)
  • 11、'Well,at least it's not purple,' she commented drily.(“嗯,它至少不是紫色的?!彼粍?dòng)聲色地幽默了一句。)
  • 12、at least he knew right from wrong.(至少他明白是非。)
  • 13、at least ten people were killed in the crash.(至少有十人在撞車事故中喪生。)
  • 14、I think you mightat least offer to help!(我認(rèn)為你至少應(yīng)該主動(dòng)提出幫忙吧!)
  • 15、They won't arrive forat least two hours yet.(他們至少要過兩個(gè)小時(shí)才能到。)
  • 16、She must beat least 40.(她至少應(yīng)該有40歲了。)
  • 17、I spendat least six hours a week marking.(我每周至少要花六個(gè)小時(shí)批改作業(yè)。)
  • 18、It yielded a profit ofat least $36 million.(它帶來了至少三千六百萬美元的利潤。)
  • 19、Paul hadat least 17 different bank accounts.(保羅至少有17個(gè)不同的銀行賬戶。)
  • 20、I've known herat least as long as you have.(我認(rèn)識(shí)她至少和你認(rèn)識(shí)她的時(shí)間一樣久了。)
  • 21、They seldom complained—officiallyat least.(他們很少抱怨—至少不在正式場(chǎng)合抱怨。)
  • 22、He hoped to recuperateat least some of his losses.(他希望至少挽回一部分損失。)
  • 23、We needat least 24 hours' notice of cancellation.(如欲取消,請(qǐng)至少提前24小時(shí)告知。)
  • 24、at least they died happy.(至少他們死時(shí)很幸福。)
  • 25、She could go on a nice holidayat least.(她至少能過一個(gè)美好的假期。)
  • 26、at least one hostage was beheaded in that room.(至少有一名人質(zhì)在那個(gè)房間被斬首。)
  • 27、He's ancient—he must beat least fifty!(他老得很了—肯定至少有五十歲!)
  • 28、Yoon was standingat least ten yards offside.(耀恩當(dāng)時(shí)站的位置至少越位十碼。)
  • 29、at least one bank cut its prime rate today.(至少有一家銀行今天降低了自己的最低貸款利率。)
  • 30、You couldat least listen to what he says.(你至少可以聽一聽他說些什么。)

at least基本釋義

at least

英 [?t li:st] 美 [?t list] 

