
at an angle造句

at an angle造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:59:31


at an angle造句

  • 1、To set at an oblique Angle; tilt.(具有傾斜或者歪的朝向。)
  • 2、The lines are at an acute angle.(這兩條線相交成銳角。)
  • 3、The famous tower of Pisa leansat an angle.(有名的比薩塔是斜的。)
  • 4、No matter from which Angle I look at you, you appear to be an angel and Women's Day is the perfect to say: I am so lucky to have you in my life.(無論我從那個(gè)角度看你,你都是一個(gè)天使。乘婦女節(jié)絕佳的機(jī)會告訴你:生命中有你真好!)
  • 5、When you take reading, make sure you are not holding the tapeat an angle .(當(dāng)你閱讀,請確保您不舉行磁帶上的角度。)
  • 6、Use the tipat an angle to the surface of a workpiece.(使纖維油石與工作表面形成成一定角度。)
  • 7、Africa will certainly find itself droppedat an angle toward the southeast.(非洲向東南方呈一定角度下落。)
  • 8、Seeing an interesting bird at a different angle…(上周末南京觀鳥,在不同的角度看一只鳥…)
  • 9、It faces the televisionat an angle that is neither direct, thus discouraging conversation.(而且坐這里看電視的角度,可以直接看,又不會影響談話。)
  • 10、Do not try to insert spigotat an angle.(不能成一定角度設(shè)法嵌入套管。)
  • 11、Her leg was bent at an unnatural angle.(她的腿彎曲的角度反常。)
  • 12、The point at which the sides of an Angle intersect.(頂點(diǎn)角的兩邊相交的點(diǎn)。)
  • 13、An iron bar stuck outat an angle.(一根鐵條成一定角度地突出來。)
  • 14、His hat was tilted slightlyat an angle.(他的帽子有點(diǎn)歪。)
  • 15、He said: "the two screw baseat an angle of 45 degrees, ten little nails."(他說:“兩個(gè)45度的螺口燈頭,十個(gè)小釘子?!? (hao86.com好工具)
  • 16、When we view a circleat an angle, we see an ellipse.(如果我們斜著看一個(gè)圓,我們看到的是橢圓。)
  • 17、Shift the position to graspat an angle from the jaw and pull forward and up; hold. Shift a bit toward the center below your lower lip and repeat.(改變位置,從下巴的一個(gè)角度抓起來,然后往前往上拉伸,保持住,往中間再去一點(diǎn),要比你下唇低,再重復(fù)。)
  • 18、The plant was growingat an angle.(植物呈一定角度生長。)
  • 19、Nor did she all herself to hold her headat an angle, or to let it fall, or to lean her chin on her hand.(她也不歪著頭,也不地下頭,或者把下巴捂在手里。)
  • 20、You can change the angle you are hitting the grating at by changing an adapter.(可以通過更換適配器調(diào)整角位。)
  • 21、Occasionally though, you might need a lineat an angle.(雖然有時(shí),您可能需要在一個(gè)角度線。)
  • 22、Angle cutter machine for cutting paperat an angle to the machine direction of the paper.(斜切裁紙刀能把紙張斜切的機(jī)器。它的切線與紙紋方向成一角度。)
  • 23、The end is cutat an angle and shaved regularly as it wears out.(底端以角度被切斷的和刨光,因?yàn)樗?jīng)常磨損。)
  • 24、Pull the squeegee across the windowat an angle to direct excess water down.(用刷子將窗戶拖一遍,保持一點(diǎn)角度以使多余的水可以導(dǎo)下。)
  • 25、These are used when the subject's face is orientedat an angle.(這些被用在主題的臉是定位在一個(gè)角度。)
  • 26、I enjoy lying against you.at an angle of 45 degrees.(我喜歡。四十五度地靠著你。)
  • 27、Put your thumb inside your cheekat an angle toward the center of your ear.(把你的大拇指沿朝著耳朵中線的位置放進(jìn)你的臉頰內(nèi)。)

at an angle基本釋義

at an angle

英 [?t ?n ???ɡl] 美 [?t ?n ???ɡ?l] 
成一個(gè)角度; 傾斜的