
at the age of造句

at the age of造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:59:25


at the age of造句

  • 1、at the age of 40, 1.9 percent of men are impotent.(1.9%的男人在40歲時陽痿。)
  • 2、He was struck down by cancerat the age of thirty.(他三十歲那年被癌癥奪去了性命。)
  • 3、There he caught fever and diedat the age of 33.(他在那個地方患上了流感,33歲就去世了。)
  • 4、The singer's first public appearance wasat the age of eight.(這位歌手八歲時初次登臺演出。)
  • 5、He made his first notable achievementat the age of 18.(他在18歲時取得了他的第一個顯著成就。)
  • 6、He started offendingat the age of 16.(他16歲就開始犯法。)
  • 7、He passed onat the age of 72.(他72歲時去世。)
  • 8、Testsat the age of seven provide a benchmark against which the child's progress at school can be measured.(七歲時進(jìn)行的測試為孩子在學(xué)校中的學(xué)習(xí)發(fā)展提供了一個測量基準(zhǔn)。)
  • 9、Isaac Binger has died in a nursing home in Floridaat the age of 87.(艾薩克·班熱在佛羅里達(dá)的一家養(yǎng)老院里去世了,享年87歲。)
  • 10、Her earliest memory is of singingat the age of four to wounded soldiers.(她最早的記憶是在4歲時為受傷的士兵唱歌。)
  • 11、I was a motherat the age of nineteen.(我在十九歲的時候當(dāng)了媽媽。)
  • 12、He'd dropped out of high schoolat the age of 16.(他16歲時就從高中退學(xué)了。)
  • 13、He ran away from homeat the age of thirteen.(他十三歲時離家出走。)
  • 14、He was killed in a tragic accidentat the age of 24.(他24歲時在一次悲慘的事故中喪命。)
  • 15、at the age of 13, I was taught to French kiss.(在13歲時,我被教會了法式接吻。)
  • 16、at the age of 16, Lee Hyuk Joon's life is a living hell.(16歲的李赫俊的生活就像人間地獄。)
  • 17、Children often have temper tantrumsat the age of two or thereabouts.(兒童在兩歲左右經(jīng)常愛使性子。)
  • 18、at the age of five he showed exceptional talent as a musician.(他五歲時就表現(xiàn)出非凡的音樂才能。)
  • 19、In 1944,at the age of 30, Hersey suddenly became a celebrity.(1944年,30歲的赫西突然成了一位名人。) Hao86.com
  • 20、at the age of sixteen he qualified for a place at the University of North Carolina.(16歲時他取得了北卡羅來納大學(xué)的入學(xué)資格。)
  • 21、at the age of 27, he got married.(他在27歲時結(jié)婚了。)
  • 22、He left schoolat the age of 16.(他16歲便離開學(xué)校。)
  • 23、She began writing software codeat the age of nine.(她9歲就開始寫軟件編碼。)
  • 24、He was still unattachedat the age of 34.(他34歲時還是單身。)
  • 25、Gladys was crippled by polioat the age of 3.(格拉迪絲3歲時因小兒麻痹癥而瘸了。)
  • 26、He started piano lessonsat the age of 7.(他7歲開始上鋼琴課。)
  • 27、He was made (a) professorat the age of 40.(他40歲時成為教授。)
  • 28、I taught my daughter how to do divisionat the age of six.(我女兒6歲時,我就教她怎樣做除法。)
  • 29、He converted to Islamat the age of 16.(他在16歲時皈依了伊斯蘭教。)

at the age of基本釋義

at the age of

英 [?t e? eid? ?v] 美 [?t ei ed? ?v] 

