
at the bus stop造句

at the bus stop造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:59:24


at the bus stop造句

  • 1、The man reading the Timesat the bus stop remarks on a story that begins with the words "Once upon a time", the classic opening for fairy tales in English.(在汽車(chē)站旁讀《泰晤士報(bào)》的一位男士正評(píng)論一條新聞,該新聞以“從前啊”幾個(gè)字開(kāi)頭,這是英語(yǔ)童話(huà)故事的典型開(kāi)頭。)
  • 2、Take bus No. 6at the bus stop.(在車(chē)站乘6路公共汽車(chē)。)
  • 3、I waitedat the bus stop for 50 minutes.(我在公共汽車(chē)站一直等了50分鐘。)
  • 4、I met herat the bus stop.(我在車(chē)站遇見(jiàn)了她。)
  • 5、LJ buys a ticketat the bus stop and turns to board the bus.(LJ在公共汽車(chē)站買(mǎi)了一張票準(zhǔn)備坐車(chē)出發(fā)。)
  • 6、Maybe this could beat the bus stop or in the coffee shop.(這些事可能在公交車(chē)站,也可能在咖啡館發(fā)生。)
  • 7、While standingat the bus stop he asks a lady the same question.(當(dāng)他在公共汽車(chē)站等車(chē)時(shí),他問(wèn)一位女士同樣的問(wèn)題。)
  • 8、He is the teacher that we metat the bus stop.(他就是我們昨天在公共汽車(chē)站遇到的那位老師。)
  • 9、The early bus arrivesat the bus stop at 7.(早班車(chē)在早晨7點(diǎn)到達(dá)車(chē)站。)
  • 10、People lined upat the bus stop.(人們?cè)诠财?chē)站排起了隊(duì)。)
  • 11、I found a purse full of cashat the bus stop.(我在公共汽車(chē)站撿到了一個(gè)裝滿(mǎn)錢(qián)的錢(qián)包。)
  • 12、After a few minutes, the bus arrived but did not stopat the bus stop.(幾分鐘后,公交來(lái)了但是沒(méi)有在車(chē)站停車(chē)。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 13、Recently she'd seen him waitingat the bus stop.(最近她看到過(guò)他在公交車(chē)站等車(chē)。)
  • 14、They waitedat the bus stop five minutes ago.(他們是五分鐘之前在公共汽車(chē)站等車(chē)的。)
  • 15、No, he is notat the bus stop.(不,他不在汽車(chē)站。)
  • 16、While I was waitingat the bus stop, three buses went by in the opposite direction.(我在公共汽車(chē)站等車(chē)時(shí),對(duì)向駛過(guò)了三輛公共汽車(chē)。)
  • 17、I met him by accidentat the bus stop.(我意外地在公共汽車(chē)站碰到他。)
  • 18、As the night is falling, a long queue stoodat the bus stop, nervously expecting to be picked up.(隨著夜幕降臨,公交站前排著很長(zhǎng)的隊(duì)伍,人們都在焦急地等待乘公交車(chē)。)
  • 19、No,at the bus stop.(不,是在汽車(chē)站。)
  • 20、Every day he queues patientlyat the bus stop.(他每天都耐心地在公共汽車(chē)站排隊(duì)。)
  • 21、A red bus stoppedat the bus stop.(一輛紅色的公共汽車(chē)停在了汽車(chē)站。)
  • 22、We waitedat the bus stop until the bus came.(我們?cè)诠徽疽恢钡鹊狡?chē)來(lái)。)
  • 23、He isat the bus stop.(他在公共汽車(chē)站。)
  • 24、What are people thinking while waitingat the bus stop?(在公車(chē)站牌等車(chē)時(shí),人們都在想些什么呢?)
  • 25、A man had been waiting for the busat the bus stop.(一個(gè)男子一直在在公交車(chē)站等公交車(chē)。)
  • 26、They waitedat the bus stop forty minutes ago.(他們什么時(shí)候在車(chē)站等過(guò)公共汽車(chē)?)
  • 27、I was expecting youat the bus stop!(我本來(lái)是在巴士站等你們的。)

at the bus stop基本釋義