at midnight造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:59:27


at midnight造句

  • 1、He is always awakeat midnight.(他常常到了午夜還醒著。)
  • 2、When I climbed into my bunkat midnight, dark thoughts joined me.(當(dāng)我半夜里我爬上了自己的鋪位時(shí),腦子里愁云密布。)
  • 3、The bus service stopsat midnight.(公共汽車午夜停止服務(wù)。)
  • 4、The fireplace snuffed outat midnight.(到了半夜,壁爐已熄滅了。)
  • 5、at midnight the wagon passes here that is to take us within the boundaries of that marvelous country.(半夜的時(shí)候,馬車會(huì)經(jīng)過(guò)這里,把我們帶到那個(gè)神奇國(guó)度的。)
  • 6、Remember to call usat midnight sharp, for we must continue on our journey.(記得半夜12點(diǎn)叫醒我們,因?yàn)槲覀冞€要繼續(xù)趕路。)
  • 7、They could turn upat midnight.(他們可能會(huì)在半夜來(lái)。)
  • 8、I can open the back gateat midnight.(午夜的時(shí)候我可以打開(kāi)后門。)
  • 9、Will these changes beginat midnight?(變化會(huì)從午夜開(kāi)始嗎?)
  • 10、He cast upat midnight.(午夜時(shí)他忽然來(lái)了。)
  • 11、Eventually these were superseded by "small clock", or French, hours, which split the day into two 12-hour periods commencingat midnight.(最終,這些被“小鐘”——即法語(yǔ)中說(shuō)的小時(shí)取代了,它把一天分成兩個(gè)12小時(shí)的時(shí)間段,從午夜開(kāi)始。)
  • 12、at midnight we'll start out again, for at dawn tomorrow we must be at the Field of Wonders.(午夜我們?cè)俪霭l(fā),這樣明天黎明我們肯定到達(dá)那塊神奇的土地了。)
  • 13、They had to leaveat midnight.(他們不得不半夜離開(kāi)。)
  • 14、The guests unmaskedat midnight.(客人們?cè)谖缫钩铝嗣婢摺?
  • 15、They reeled out of the pubat midnight.(他們?cè)谖缫箷r(shí)分搖搖晃晃地走出酒館。)
  • 16、They went homeat midnight.(他們?cè)诎胍够氐募摇?
  • 17、at midnight he heard a strange sound.(半夜里他聽(tīng)到一種奇怪的聲音。)
  • 18、While I stared at her, speechless, she explained that as the local inn would closeat midnight and I had better betake myself thither without further delay.(當(dāng)我盯著她,說(shuō)不出話來(lái)的時(shí)候,她對(duì)我解釋說(shuō),當(dāng)?shù)氐穆灭^半夜就會(huì)關(guān)門,我最好即刻就向那趕去,不容拖延。)
  • 19、Thenat midnight, we switch for 5 hours.(等到午夜時(shí)分,我和妻子再來(lái)一個(gè)5小時(shí)的轉(zhuǎn)換。)
  • 20、I was woken up by the planeat midnight.(我半夜被飛機(jī)吵醒。)
  • 21、Your neighbours may accuse you of playing the pianoat midnight.(你的鄰居可能會(huì)譴責(zé)你半夜彈鋼琴。)
  • 22、Eastern Airlines shut down operationsat midnight, and 18,000 employees were given their pink slips.(東方航空公司在午夜終止?fàn)I業(yè),解雇了18,000名員工。)
  • 23、We think the museum was enteredat midnight.(我們還認(rèn)為有人在午夜闖入博物館。)
  • 24、The movie finishedat midnight.(電影在午夜結(jié)束了。)
  • 25、To his mom's surprise, the light in Tom's bedroom was still onat midnight.(令媽媽吃驚的是,湯姆臥室里的燈半夜里還亮著。)
  • 26、You got to find out where the shadow of the limb fallsat midnight, and that's where you dig!(你得弄清楚夜半時(shí)分,伸出的樹(shù)杈的影子落在什么地方,然后就在那兒挖才行!)

at midnight基本釋義

at midnight

英 [?t ?midnait] 美 [?t ?m?d?na?t] 
