trip wire造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:18:51


trip wire造句

  • 1、The round trip is driven by servomotor, matched up with precision ball screw and wire slide rail, to smooth the round trip of the blade and position accuracy.(行程以伺服馬達(dá)驅(qū)動(dòng),配合精密滾珠螺桿及線滑軌,切刀行程順暢,定位精準(zhǔn)。)
  • 2、The SQL statements are sent over wire in bulk in one network trip.(收集的sql語(yǔ)句通過線纜在一次網(wǎng)絡(luò)行程中批量傳遞。)
  • 3、The tent was protected with atrip wire but it didn't stop the bear getting inside as they slept.(被保護(hù)的帳篷與旅行線,但它并沒有停止,因?yàn)樗麄兂袚?dān)越來(lái)越里面睡。)
  • 4、Unplug the push button module wire harness connector from the trip computer, compass, and thermometer display module.(從行車電腦,羅盤,和溫度表顯示模組上拆下按壓按鈕模組線束接頭。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 5、As the name implies, this gives you the ability to control how data is packed (and unpacked) for its trip across the wire.(顧名思義,這使您能夠控制數(shù)據(jù)的打包(和解包)方式,以在線路上進(jìn)行傳輸。)
  • 6、Benjamin: mytrip wire wasn't dental floss, it was fishing line tied to my mess kit balanced on a ledge. Very effective actually.(本杰明:我的陷阱不是牙線,那是釣魚線,連著放在邊上的炊事餐具。事實(shí)上非常有效。)

trip wire基本釋義

trip wire

英 [trip ?wai?] 美 [tr?p wa?r] 