
turn left造句

turn left造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:18:39


turn left造句

  • 1、Carry on until you get to the junction, thenturn left.(繼續(xù)往前走到交叉路口,然后向左轉(zhuǎn)。)
  • 2、Go straight on andturn left, then you will find the toilet.(請(qǐng)直走,再向左轉(zhuǎn),然后你會(huì)找到洗手間。)
  • 3、At next traffic lights, weturn left.(下個(gè)交通燈左轉(zhuǎn)。)
  • 4、You mustn'tturn left!(你不能向左轉(zhuǎn)!)
  • 5、turn left and then walk straight.(向左轉(zhuǎn),然后直走。)
  • 6、Go straight on andturn left.(直走,然后向左轉(zhuǎn)。)
  • 7、From here you go to the bridge and thenturn left on the other side.(你從這里走到橋上,然后在另一邊向左轉(zhuǎn)。)
  • 8、When I was about toturn left at the end of the hallway, the chill disappeared and I stopped.(我在走廊盡頭正要左拐的時(shí)候,那陣寒意消失了,我停下腳步。)
  • 9、turn left at the signal light.(在信號(hào)燈處左轉(zhuǎn)。)
  • 10、turn left and go straight on.(向左轉(zhuǎn)后請(qǐng)往前走。)
  • 11、Go down this street andturn left.(沿著這條街走,然后左轉(zhuǎn)。)
  • 12、turn left at the traffic lights.(在交通信號(hào)燈處向左拐。)
  • 13、turn left at the intersection.(在十字路口向左拐。)
  • 14、You shouldturn left.(你應(yīng)該向左轉(zhuǎn)。)
  • 15、You couldturn left here.(你可以從這兒左拐。)
  • 16、Follow this road until you get to the school, thenturn left.(沿著這條路走到學(xué)校,然后向左拐。)
  • 17、turn left at the first robot.(在第一個(gè)交通信號(hào)燈處向左拐。)
  • 18、turn left at the next corner.(下一個(gè)路口向左拐。)
  • 19、Shall weturn left or turn right?(我們應(yīng)該向左走,還是向右走?)
  • 20、Go straight ahead andturn left at the first crossing.(直走,并在第一個(gè)十字路口左拐。)
  • 21、Cross over the street andturn left, then you can see the museum.(穿過街道然后左轉(zhuǎn),然后你可以看到博物館了。)
  • 22、The guidebook says toturn left.(旅游指南上說應(yīng)向左拐。)
  • 23、turn left at the first crossing.(請(qǐng)?jiān)诘谝粋€(gè)十字路口向左轉(zhuǎn)。)
  • 24、We mustturn left.(我們必須左拐。)
  • 25、turn left at the next traffic lights.(在下一個(gè)紅綠燈處向左拐。)
  • 26、After stumbling to the end of a smoke-filled corridor, you have to choose whether toturn left or right.(在跌跌撞撞地爬到充滿煙霧的走廊盡頭后,你不得不選擇向左拐還是向右拐。)
  • 27、Go to the end of this corridor,turn left, and it's the third door on the right.(走到這條走廊的盡頭,左轉(zhuǎn),右邊第三個(gè)門就是。)
  • 28、We need toturn left at the traffic light.(我們需要走到到路燈那里往左拐。)
  • 29、We can'tturn left here.(我們不能在這里左拐。)
  • 30、turn left at the crossroads into Clay Lane.(在十字路口向左轉(zhuǎn)到克萊路上。) Hao86.com

turn left基本釋義

turn left

英 [t?:n left] 美 [t?n l?ft] 

