
turn over a new leaf造句

turn over a new leaf造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:18:38


turn over a new leaf造句

  • 1、Now he has decided toturn over a new leaf and go to school on time every day.(約翰過去經(jīng)常逃課,現(xiàn)在他決定了從新開始,每天都準(zhǔn)時(shí)上課。)
  • 2、We're going to let bygones be bygones, and try andturn over a new leaf.(我們要既往不咎,試著開啟新的一頁。)
  • 3、Why don't youturn over a new leaf and start studying again?(你為何不從頭做起;再開始認(rèn)真讀書?。)
  • 4、Love is a great teacher, teach us toturn over a new leaf.(愛情是一位偉大的導(dǎo)師,教會(huì)我們重新做人。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 5、January 1 is a great time to try something new, toturn over a new leaf.(一月是嘗試新事物的,翻開新一頁的好時(shí)機(jī)。)
  • 6、Linda realized she was in the wrong and promised toturn over a new leaf.(琳達(dá)意識(shí)到自己錯(cuò)了,并承諾改過自新。)
  • 7、For some, it's a chance toturn over a new leaf.(現(xiàn)在我的人生將翻開新的一頁。)
  • 8、Pledge toturn over a new leaf.(發(fā)誓要改過自新。)
  • 9、He realized he was in the wrong and promised toturn over a new leaf.(他認(rèn)識(shí)到自己錯(cuò)了,承諾要重新開始。)
  • 10、If youturn over a new leaf, you will start to behave better or become a better person.(這句話表示你會(huì)變?yōu)橐粋€(gè)更好的人,或者你的行為將會(huì)變得更好。)
  • 11、His wife of five years asked him toturn over a new leaf and quit smoking.(他的五年婚齡的妻子要求他開啟人生的新頁并戒煙。)
  • 12、She plans to take a gap year from October, as a way toturn over a new leaf.(她計(jì)劃從10月開始進(jìn)行間隔年,作為重新開始生活的一個(gè)辦法。)
  • 13、He had been very lazy but he is go toturn over a new leaf and work hard.(他以前一直很懶,但他將改過自新努力工作。)
  • 14、After released from prison, he was determined toturn over a new leaf.(出獄后,他決心洗心革面,重新做人。)
  • 15、I've decided toturn over a new leaf and do lots of exercise from now on.(我已決定重新開始,從現(xiàn)在起多鍛煉。)
  • 16、Entering college is usually regarded as an opportunity toturn over a new leaf.(進(jìn)入大學(xué)常被視為是翻開生命新一頁的機(jī)會(huì)。)
  • 17、But I've decided toturn over a new leaf and stay at home more to concentrate on my studies!(但我已決定改過自新,多多呆在家里,集中精力學(xué)習(xí)。)
  • 18、He decided toturn over a new leaf. He would live simply and regain the respect of his family.(他決定改過自新,艱苦樸素,重新得到家人的尊敬。)
  • 19、If you have been vowing to eat more nutritiously, begin toturn over a new leaf.(如果你一直發(fā)誓要多吃有營養(yǎng)的食品,開始翻開新的一頁。)
  • 20、I willturn over a new leaf, sorry.(我會(huì)改過自新的,對(duì)不起。)
  • 21、But they mustturn over a new leaf.(不過,他們必須改過自新啦。)
  • 22、He promised toturn over a new leaf and study harder.(他保證重新開始,更加努力地學(xué)習(xí)。)
  • 23、We must leave these things behind andturn over a new leaf in our lives.(要把這些事情翻篇兒過去,新的生活就要開始了。)
  • 24、She decided toturn over a new leaf after her mother's death.(她母親去世一個(gè)月后,她決定開始一段新生活。)
  • 25、Now John has decided toturn over a new leaf and go to school on time every day.(現(xiàn)在約翰決定改過自新,每天準(zhǔn)時(shí)上學(xué)。)
  • 26、Do you promise toturn over a new leaf.(你保證要改過自新嗎?)

turn over a new leaf基本釋義

turn over a new leaf

英 [t?:n ??uv? ? nju: li:f] 美 [t?n ?ov? e nu lif] 
重新開始; 改過自新; 過新生活
