
train station造句

train station造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:19:09


train station造句

  • 1、Which bus goes to thetrain station?(哪一路公共汽車開往火車站?)
  • 2、Are you already at thetrain station?(你到已經(jīng)到車站了嗎?)
  • 3、A lot of people start at the first stop of thetrain station as this is where many tourists arrive in the town.(很多人從火車站的第一站開始,因?yàn)檫@是許多游客到達(dá)小鎮(zhèn)的地方。)
  • 4、You must arrived at thetrain station on time.(你必須準(zhǔn)時(shí)到達(dá)火車站。)
  • 5、The entrance to thetrain station was closed off following the explosion.(爆炸發(fā)生后隨即封鎖了火車站入口。)
  • 6、Take me to thetrain station.(送我到火車站。)
  • 7、Where istrain station or bus station?(火車站或公交站在哪里?)
  • 8、Thetrain station is on your right.(火車站就在你的右邊。)
  • 9、Ingrid went with him to thetrain station to see him off.(英格麗德和他一起去火車站送他。)
  • 10、I'm looking for thetrain station.(我正在找火車站。)
  • 11、A lone taxi sits in front of thetrain station.(一輛出租車孤零零的停在火車站前。)
  • 12、Did you say thetrain station or the bus station?(您剛才說是火車站還是公交站?)
  • 13、How can I get to thetrain station?(我怎樣才能到達(dá)火車站?)
  • 14、His daughter Carly drove him to thetrain station.(她的女兒卡莉開車送他去火車站。)
  • 15、You'll pass a bank on the way to thetrain station.(你在去火車站的路上會(huì)經(jīng)過一家銀行。)
  • 16、Thetrain station was packed solid with people.(火車站上人擠得水泄不通。)
  • 17、A couple of weeks later he turned up at Thetfordtrain station and hasn't been away since.(幾周后,他出現(xiàn)在塞特福德火車站,此后再也沒有離開過。)
  • 18、Please take me to thetrain station.(請(qǐng)送我到火車站。)
  • 19、I'll meet you at thetrain station.(我們?cè)诨疖囌疽娒姘伞? 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 20、We're handily placed for thetrain station.(我們被安置在去火車站近便的地方。)
  • 21、Communicate with the airport andtrain station.(聯(lián)系咸陽機(jī)場(chǎng)、火車站。)
  • 22、A regular bus service connects thetrain station with the town centre.(火車站和市中心之間有定時(shí)班車。)
  • 23、When I arrived at thetrain station, the train has gone.(當(dāng)我趕到火車站時(shí),火車已經(jīng)開走了。)
  • 24、A crowd waits in atrain station in Suzhou.(在蘇州火車站候車的人們。)
  • 25、Mei: Let’s meet in front of thetrain station.(咱們?cè)诨疖囌厩懊嬉姲伞?
  • 26、Guangzhoutrain station?(廣州火車站?)
  • 27、The school is within easy walking distance of thetrain station.(學(xué)校離火車站不遠(yuǎn),不費(fèi)勁就走到了。)
  • 28、Thetrain station is where the train stops.(火車站是火車??康牡胤?。)
  • 29、This is the reflection of trees in a rusting grate in a park near Chiang Maitrain station in Thailand.(這是在泰國清邁火車站附近的公園,銹跡斑斑格柵中的樹叢的倒影。)

train station基本釋義