under repair造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:18:15


under repair造句

  • 1、The houseunder repair is our classroom building .(正在修建的房屋是我們的教學(xué)樓。)
  • 2、During the month the house wasunder repair, we lived with our Cousins next door.(在我們修房子的一個(gè)月期間,我們住在隔壁表親家里。)
  • 3、This machine isunder repair now.(這臺(tái)機(jī)器正在修理中。)
  • 4、The machine isunder repair.(那臺(tái)機(jī)器正在修理。)
  • 5、The propeller of the plane is out of order, and isunder repair.(這架飛機(jī)的螺旋槳出了點(diǎn)問(wèn)題,正在維修。)
  • 6、Pilot boats and light vessels areunder repair.(領(lǐng)航艇和輕型艦艇正在修理之中。)
  • 7、I can't use my office at present, it isunder repair.(我目前不能使用我的辦公室,它正在維修。)
  • 8、He will go to town on foot, for his bike isunder repair.(他將步行進(jìn)城,因?yàn)樗淖孕熊?chē)在修理。)
  • 9、The car suffering severe damage in the accident isunder repair.(在事故中嚴(yán)重?fù)p壞的汽車(chē)還在修理之中。)
  • 10、Returned the road - mender , so you don't know that the road isunder repair?(那路工接著說(shuō),您不知道我們正在修路嗎?)
  • 11、The flyer wasunder repair and we had to make a detour.(立交橋在修理,我們得繞行。)
  • 12、The road wasunder repair so we had to go round.(這條道路正在修理,因此我們只得繞道而行。)
  • 13、We had to go around because the road wasunder repair.(由于正在修路,我們不得繞行。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 14、Groundunder repair!(場(chǎng)地修補(bǔ)!)
  • 15、The car isunder repair.(汽車(chē)在修理中。)
  • 16、The road ahead is closed to traffic due tounder repair.(前方道路因施工,車(chē)輛禁止通行。)
  • 17、Oh, it'sunder repair in the garage.(噢,正在修理間修理呢?)
  • 18、They'll give us a lift when our car isunder repair.(我們的車(chē)在修理時(shí)她們會(huì)讓我們搭便車(chē)。)
  • 19、The little stone bridge built a hundred years ago isunder repair.(這座百年前修建的小石橋正在維修。)
  • 20、The bridge isunder repair.(橋正在修理。)
  • 21、Roadunder repair. No thoroughfare.(翻修路面,禁止車(chē)輛來(lái)往。)
  • 22、Tom's, Mary's and Jane's houses are nowunder repair.(湯姆、瑪麗和簡(jiǎn)他們每個(gè)人的房子都正在修理。)

under repair基本釋義

under repair

英 [??nd? ri?p??] 美 [??nd? r??p?r] 
正在修理; 修理中
