
up to somebody造句

up to somebody造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:17:42


up to somebody造句

  • 1、Its no longer the case that somebody can sit, walled up in their castle and wait for the enemy to go away.(人們坐守城堡并加強(qiáng)其防御攻勢(shì),等著敵人知難而退的日子一去不復(fù)返了。)
  • 2、If I have somebody else bringing the ball up, maybe that'll give me more of an opportunity to score.(如果別人能替我傳球,也許我會(huì)有更多得分機(jī)會(huì)。)
  • 3、Girls grow up only to marry into somebody else's family and bear children.(女孩子長(zhǎng)大以后結(jié)果卻嫁到別人家給人家生孩子了。)
  • 4、The system we end up with has to meet a business need somebody with money is willing to pay for.(我們最終所得的系統(tǒng)必須滿足這樣的商業(yè)需求,即某個(gè)擁有資金的人愿意為此出資。)
  • 5、Unless somebody comes up with a way to force you to watch them, who's going to pay for them?(除非有人想出了強(qiáng)迫人們看電視廣告的方法,否則誰(shuí)會(huì)買它的賬呢?)
  • 6、We have no problem understanding a movie where somebody goes to sleep as a teenager and wakes up as Jennifer Garner, as an older person.(我們完全能夠看懂電影中一個(gè)少女睡去,一覺(jué)醒來(lái)卻變成了老年人詹妮弗·加納。)
  • 7、Now if somebody bleeds or vomits or even spits in a police car the officers aren't allowed to clean it up.(現(xiàn)在如果有人在車?yán)锪餮驀I吐,警官們不允許親自打掃。)
  • 8、He'll grow up to be somebody.(他長(zhǎng)大了一定能成材。)
  • 9、So he gave up. “I just sold the plane to somebody else, ” he said.(所以他放棄了,“我只好把飛機(jī)賣給了別人”。)
  • 10、If somebody else tries to get my haircut, they just end up getting their own haircut.(如果有人試圖剪我的頭發(fā),他們最后只能剪自己的頭發(fā)。)
  • 11、Like supercalifragilisticexpealidotious, it might be what they sneeringly call a "trophy" word, something somebody made up to solve a riddle, not an organic, up-from-the-streets, authentic word.(就像supercalifragilisticexpealidotious,它可能是被人們輕蔑地叫做“戰(zhàn)利品”單詞的詞——有人為了解答謎語(yǔ)而造的單詞,而不是一個(gè)有機(jī)的,從日常生活中來(lái)的,真實(shí)的詞。)
  • 12、S interpretation also suggests that this type of dream indicates "you may feel like you are not being allowed to live up to your full potential because somebody is holding you back".(宣稱這種夢(mèng)還可以解讀為有人限制著你,不許你發(fā)揮自己的全部潛能。)
  • 13、If somebody else tries to eat my lunch, they end up — it becomes their lunch.(如果有人試圖吃我的午餐,這就變成了他們的午餐。)
  • 14、Also, occasionally, a user mistakenly adds your address to their address book and you end up essentially getting somebody else's mail.(另外,有些時(shí)候,用戶錯(cuò)誤地將您的地址添加到他們的地址簿中,并且您將收到某些其他用戶的郵件。)
  • 15、Life is a steep climb, and it does the heart good to have somebody "call back" and cheerily beckon us on up the high hill.(基督人的生活是爬山的生活;如果爬在前面的人能?;仡^喊一聲,笑一笑,點(diǎn)一點(diǎn)頭,招一招手,對(duì)于爬在后面的人是大有幫助的。)
  • 16、He was asked to pick somebody up and bring them to a party, not realizing it was a setup.(他被叫去開(kāi)車接人并送他們到一個(gè)聚會(huì),沒(méi)意識(shí)到那是個(gè)圈套。)
  • 17、That's no problem for somebody signing up for a long-term subscription, but it sure is for anyone looking to make an impulse purchase.(對(duì)于已經(jīng)長(zhǎng)期訂閱的老用戶來(lái)說(shuō)這不成問(wèn)題,但如果想要制造“購(gòu)買沖動(dòng)”,那就有點(diǎn)問(wèn)題了。)
  • 18、Now, notice that if we accept this view to decide how well off I am, or somebody else is, you can't just add up the contents of the life.(請(qǐng)注意,如果用這種觀點(diǎn)決定自己的幸福程度,或者其他人的幸福程度,你就不能單單把生活內(nèi)容加起來(lái)。)
  • 19、So we can play a final little game here by thinking about having somebody sitting in a room planning to reach up into the left.(這樣,我們最后來(lái)做一個(gè)小游戲,大家想象有人坐在房間里,想要夠到左邊。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 20、But Larry Paige at Google can call up a broker — he better get the board's permission — somebody at Google can call up a broker and make the same statement: we want to buy Google shares.(但是谷歌的拉里·佩奇也給經(jīng)紀(jì)人打電話,當(dāng)然要經(jīng)過(guò)董事會(huì)允許,谷歌的某個(gè)雇員可以給經(jīng)紀(jì)人打電話,然后做出同樣的買入要求,我們想買進(jìn)谷歌的股份。)
  • 21、Beup to somebody to do sth.(該句型為該由某人做…)
  • 22、Somebody who needs scaled-up features to add to their platform will pay good money to acquire you.(如有人需要在他們的平臺(tái)上增加擴(kuò)大范圍化特性,就會(huì)以不錯(cuò)的價(jià)格收購(gòu)你的公司。)
  • 23、When somebody is rude to you, don't pick up the rock.(有人對(duì)你粗魯時(shí),不要撿起那塊小石頭。)
  • 24、In other words, if somebody buys a house and doesn't pay back the mortgage, taxpayers have to make up the difference.(換一句話說(shuō),如果有人買房子卻還不起貸款,這個(gè)欠款將由納稅人們來(lái)填平。)
  • 25、"I was fortunate somebody stepped up to the plate," she said. "to be a successful person, you need strong support."(“我很幸運(yùn)被關(guān)注,”她說(shuō),“想要成為一個(gè)成功的人,必須得到很大的支持?!?
  • 26、We should get somebody to swing by your apartment, pick up some new clothes.(我們?cè)撆扇巳ヌ四愕墓⒛靡恍┬乱路^(guò)來(lái)。)

up to somebody基本釋義