
United Nations造句

United Nations造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:17:59


United Nations造句

  • 1、AUnited Nations aid convoy loaded with food and medicine finally got through to the besieged town.(一支聯(lián)合國援助車隊載著食物和藥物終于抵達了被圍困的市鎮(zhèn)。)
  • 2、These arguments may have been used as a rhetorical device to argue for a perpetuation of aUnited Nations role.(這些爭論可能已被用作支持聯(lián)合國角色永存的一種修辭手段。)
  • 3、TheUnited Nations dispatched a team of troubleshooters to Somalia today.(聯(lián)合國今天派遣了一隊糾紛人員到索馬里。)
  • 4、The document was previously circulated in New York at theUnited Nations.(這份文件過去曾在紐約的聯(lián)合國總部傳閱過。)
  • 5、The Lithuanian parliament also sent an open letter to theUnited Nations.(立陶宛議會也向聯(lián)合國遞交了一封公開信。)
  • 6、Payments must be made in U.S. dollars by a bank draft drawn to the order of theUnited Nations Postal Administration.(付款必須用開給聯(lián)合國郵政管理處的銀行匯票,并以美元支付。)
  • 7、It is grossly unfair to impute blame to theUnited Nations.(把責任歸咎于聯(lián)合國是極不公平的。)
  • 8、TheUnited Nations will approve his request for authorization to use military force to deliver aid.(聯(lián)合國將同意他的請求,批準他動用軍隊來運送救援物資。)
  • 9、He was working under the flag of theUnited Nations.(他在聯(lián)合國工作。)
  • 10、Muslim and Jewish leaders have issued statements deploring the violence and urging theUnited Nations to take action.(伊斯蘭教和猶太教領袖已經(jīng)發(fā)表聲明譴責該暴力行為,并敦促聯(lián)合國采取行動。)
  • 11、United Nations officials have mediated a series of peace meetings between the two sides.(聯(lián)合國官員們已經(jīng)調(diào)解了雙方的一系列和談。)
  • 12、TheUnited Nations will act as guarantor of the peace settlement.(聯(lián)合國將充當和平解決方案的保證人。)
  • 13、AUnited Nations spokeswoman in New York said the request would be considered.(一位在紐約的聯(lián)合國女發(fā)言人稱該請求會被予以考慮。)
  • 14、TheUnited Nations imposed an arms embargo against the country.(聯(lián)合國對該國施行了武器貿(mào)易禁運。)
  • 15、TheUnited Nations Secretary-General has spoken of the need for individual freedoms and human rights.(聯(lián)合國秘書長談到了個人自由和人權(quán)的必要性。)
  • 16、Indonesia's annexation of East Timor never won the acceptance of theUnited Nations.(印度尼西亞對東帝汶的并吞從未獲得聯(lián)合國的認可。)
  • 17、India'sUnited Nations ambassador said the situation is desperate.(印度駐聯(lián)合國大使說局勢危急。)
  • 18、The authorities are obstructing aUnited Nations investigation.(當局在阻撓一次聯(lián)合國調(diào)查。)
  • 19、TheUnited Nations Security Council will debate the issue today.(聯(lián)合國安理會今天將辯論該問題。)
  • 20、Their economy crumbled under the weight ofUnited Nations sanctions.(在聯(lián)合國制裁的重壓之下,他們的經(jīng)濟崩潰了。)
  • 21、The agreement provides forUnited Nations mediation between the two sides.(該協(xié)議為聯(lián)合國對雙方的調(diào)解奠定了基礎。)
  • 22、They want theUnited Nations to play a bigger role as the world's peacekeeper.(他們希望聯(lián)合國作為世界維和組織發(fā)揮更大的作用。)
  • 23、He had siphoned off a small fortune in aid money from theUnited Nations.(他從聯(lián)合國援助基金中抽走了一小筆錢。)
  • 24、TheUnited Nations has pleaded for a halt to the bombing.(聯(lián)合國已呼吁停止轟炸。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 25、United Nations troops enforced a ceasefire in the area.(聯(lián)合國軍隊在該地區(qū)強制執(zhí)行?;鹈?。)
  • 26、TheUnited Nations brokered a peace in Mogadishu at the end of March.(聯(lián)合國于3月底在摩加迪沙促成了一場和平談判。)
  • 27、The evacuation is being organized at the request of theUnited Nations Secretary General.(應聯(lián)合國秘書長的要求,該撤離正在進行中。)
  • 28、TheUnited Nations Secretary General called on all parties to show moderation.(聯(lián)合國秘書長呼吁各方要克制。)

United Nations基本釋義

United Nations

聯(lián)合國; [經(jīng)] 聯(lián)合國
