
university student造句

university student造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:17:58


university student造句

  • 1、Over fifty years ago when I was auniversity student, many young Chinese students were longing for an opportunity to come and study in Cambridge.(50多年前,在我上大學(xué)的那個年代,就有不少的中國年輕學(xué)子向往到劍橋負(fù)笈求學(xué)。)
  • 2、Aliaa el-Mahdi, a 20-year-olduniversity student in Cairo, has found a very different way to celebrate the Arab spring.(一名20歲的開羅大學(xué)生aliaael-Mahdi發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個不同的方式來慶祝阿拉伯的春天。)
  • 3、I`m not sure whether it`s good for him being auniversity student at this age. But I hope he can get a good job in the future, " she said.(我不知道他現(xiàn)在這個年紀(jì)去讀大學(xué)是好還是壞,但我希望他將來能找份好工作。)
  • 4、In fact in September this year, the group provided in-house training foruniversity student correspondents in Aceh.(實(shí)際上,在今年九月,這個小組就為亞齊的大學(xué)生記者提供了培訓(xùn)。)
  • 5、Consider the case of theuniversity student whom British researchers refer to simply as J.B.R..(比較大學(xué)生的例子,英國學(xué)者引用了J.B.R。)
  • 6、Li Yanfu, a Jilinuniversity student that I spoke with, says that he has no problem with the ads since he doesn't have to buy any of them.(吉林大學(xué)的李嚴(yán)復(fù)在接受采訪時(shí)說,他根本不在乎這些廣告,因?yàn)樗矇焊粫ベI這些商品。)
  • 7、Mathias Schindler is a 25 year olduniversity student in Frankfurt, Main, Germany.(MathiasSchindler是一名25歲的大學(xué)生現(xiàn)居住于德國境內(nèi)緬因河流經(jīng)的城市法蘭克福。)
  • 8、Moneim, a burlyuniversity student, says he is “taking the opportunity” of the fighting around Ajdabiya to learn how to use a rifle.(穆納姆(Moneim)是一位身材魁梧的大學(xué)生,他說自己是在艾季達(dá)比耶市周圍發(fā)生戰(zhàn)斗的時(shí)候“抓住機(jī)會”來學(xué)習(xí)如何使用步槍。)
  • 9、Theuniversity student today may spend less of his time studying than students decades ago, but I see no evidence that he's lazier.(如今的大學(xué)生可能比幾十年前的大學(xué)生花在學(xué)習(xí)上的時(shí)間要少,但是我并不認(rèn)為這證明他們更懶惰。)
  • 10、university student Lu Zhengwei said he tried wearing grey cosmetic contacts last year.(一個大學(xué)男生說他去年戴了灰色的美瞳。)
  • 11、When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, Deripaska was a 23-year-olduniversity student.(1991年蘇聯(lián)解體時(shí),德里帕斯卡還是一名23歲的大學(xué)生。) hAo86.com
  • 12、"Last week I met auniversity student who could not subtract six from forty and used a calculator," says Abbas.(“上禮拜我遇到一個大學(xué)生,他竟然不會算40減6的算術(shù),而要用計(jì)算器?!卑退拐f。)
  • 13、A senioruniversity student said she had recently turned down a postgraduate recommendation from her university in Wuhan.(武漢一所高校一名大四學(xué)生稱,她最近剛剛自愿放棄了學(xué)校的保研資格。)
  • 14、Her name is said to be "Huang Xiaoxiao," auniversity student from Sichuan Province.(她的名字叫“黃小小”(音譯),來自四川省的一名大學(xué)生。)
  • 15、university student Julieta Solis, she says, " that she is a woman does not bother me.(大學(xué)生朱麗葉·索利說:“她是一名女性,并不困擾我。)
  • 16、He'd also scope out the crowd, which on one night happened to include my mother, Ann, a Southern Connecticut Stateuniversity student.(他有時(shí)會注意人群里的人,有一天剛好看到了我媽媽,Ann,她那時(shí)還是南康奈迪格州立大學(xué)的學(xué)生。)
  • 17、He brings a friend this time, a quietuniversity student who is armed with a CD of more videos and photos.(這次他帶來一位朋友,這位安靜的大學(xué)生隨身攜帶一張包括視頻和圖片的光碟。)
  • 18、"If I started the job search right out of school, I would have been just another standarduniversity student," Block said.(她說:“如果剛畢業(yè)就開始找工作,我就會是一名普普通通的大學(xué)畢業(yè)生?!?
  • 19、Samuel was an ordinaryuniversity student.(塞彌兒是一名普通的大學(xué)生。)
  • 20、Linus Torvalds, a 21-year-olduniversity student from Finland, writes a post to a user group asking for feedback on a little project he's working on.(21歲的芬蘭大學(xué)生萊納斯·托瓦爾茲給用戶組寫了一個帖子,要求回復(fù)他正在努力從事的一個小項(xiàng)目。)
  • 21、Liu Qiang, of the Henanuniversity student affairs office, says that a change in career or study can be a major threat to any relationship.(來自河南大學(xué)學(xué)生處的劉強(qiáng)(音譯)表示,對于所有戀人來說,學(xué)業(yè)或工作上的轉(zhuǎn)變都會對他們的情感構(gòu)成很大的威脅。)
  • 22、She married Nestor Kirchner, her fellowuniversity student, in 1975 before moving to the province of Santa Cruz, where the couple opened a law firm.(1975年,她與大學(xué)同學(xué)、奈斯特?基什內(nèi)爾結(jié)婚,之后,兩人搬往圣克魯斯省,并在當(dāng)?shù)亻_了一家律師事務(wù)所。)

university student基本釋義

university student

英 [?ju?n??v??(r)s?ti ?stju:d?nt] 美 [?jun??v?rs?ti ?studnt] 
