
very much造句

very much造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:17:11


very much造句

  • 1、"Ivery much regret the injuries he sustained," he said.(他說:“我對他所遭受的傷害感到非常遺憾。”)
  • 2、Farming can bevery much a hit-and-miss affair.(務(wù)農(nóng)可能是件很要碰運(yùn)氣的事。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 3、I'mvery much a loner – I never go out.(我是個(gè)非常不合群的人–我從來不出門。)
  • 4、Climate change is stillvery much a subject for debate.(氣候變化很大程度上仍是一個(gè)爭論的話題。)
  • 5、I'mvery much afraid that your son may be involved in the crime.(我非常擔(dān)憂(verymuchafraid)你兒子可能在這罪案中受到牽連。)
  • 6、"Thanksvery much anyhow."—"It's a pleasure."(“無論如何,非常感謝你?!薄安豢蜌??!?
  • 7、He is very quick-thinking andvery much a man of decision.(他思維很敏捷,是個(gè)很果斷的人。)
  • 8、They obviously appreciate youvery much.(他們明顯很欣賞你。)
  • 9、We enjoyed staying with youvery much.(我們非常喜歡待在你這里。)
  • 10、I enjoy readingvery much.(我非常喜歡閱讀。)
  • 11、"Thank youvery much."—"Don't mention it."(“非常感謝你?!薄安槐乜蜌??!?
  • 12、I wouldvery much like to see you again.(我很想再見到你。)
  • 13、very much a man's man, he enjoyed drinking and jesting with his cronies.(作為一個(gè)很受男人喜愛的男人,他喜歡和朋友喝酒開玩笑。)
  • 14、I don't have much time to watchvery much television.(我沒有很多時(shí)間看很多電視節(jié)目。)
  • 15、I miss my familyvery much.(我很想念我的家人。)
  • 16、"Are you enjoying your vacation?"—"very much so."(“你假期過得愉快嗎?”—“非常愉快?!?
  • 17、The new library isvery much after the fashion of Nash.(這座新圖書館很像納什的風(fēng)格。)
  • 18、Pollution is stillvery much a live issue.(污染仍然是目前非常讓人關(guān)注的問題。)
  • 19、Your work isvery much better.(你的工作要好得多。)
  • 20、Fortune-telling is avery much debased art surrounded by superstition.(算命是一種透著迷信色彩的十分低級(jí)的把戲。)
  • 21、Physics used to bevery much a male domain.(物理學(xué)曾在很大程度上是男人的領(lǐng)域。)
  • 22、Things werevery much changed since before the war, he reflected.(從戰(zhàn)爭開始前情況就已經(jīng)發(fā)生了很大的變化,他想到。)
  • 23、Joan wasvery much against commencing drug treatment.(瓊非常反對開始藥物治療。)
  • 24、Your help wasvery much appreciated.(非常感謝您的幫助。)
  • 25、Nobody knows much about him; he keeps himselfvery much to himself.(誰對他都不太了解,因?yàn)樗苌俸腿私煌?
  • 26、At the moment, the law on compensation isvery much a grey area.(當(dāng)前,關(guān)于賠償?shù)姆珊艽蟪潭壬鲜且粋€(gè)灰色區(qū)域。)
  • 27、Sonia, we are reliably informed, loves her familyvery much.(我們得到可靠消息,索尼亞非常愛她的家人。)
  • 28、I haven't achievedvery much today.(我今天沒做成多少事。)
  • 29、When we take our vacations isvery much dictated by Greg's work schedule.(我們什么時(shí)候休假在很大程度上取決于格雷格的工作計(jì)劃。)
  • 30、"There's your change."—"Thanksvery much."(“那是找你的錢?!薄胺浅8兄x?!?

very much基本釋義

very much

很; 非常