
very well造句

very well造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:17:11


very well造句

  • 1、Evans playedvery well.(埃文斯比賽很出色。)
  • 2、We got onvery well and she was very nice-looking.(我們相處得很不錯,她長得很好看。)
  • 3、Bad luck, Helen, you playedvery well.(海倫,你的表演非常好,只是運氣欠佳。)
  • 4、I knewvery well that the problem was more complex than he supposed.(我很清楚這個問題比他料想的更復雜。) Hao86.com
  • 5、He has caught the zeitgeist of life in the 1960svery well indeed.(他確實非常準確地描繪出了20世紀60年代鄉(xiāng)村生活的真實風貌。)
  • 6、He'll dovery well—he has tremendous drive.(他會干得很出色的—他干勁沖天。)
  • 7、He doesn't hearvery well.(他聽覺不是很好。)
  • 8、I can'tvery well leave now.(我現(xiàn)在離開不太合適。)
  • 9、I thought they came offvery well in the debate.(我認為他們在辯論中表現(xiàn)非常出色。)
  • 10、I don't feelvery well.(我覺得身體不太好。)
  • 11、You playedvery well.(你演得很好。)
  • 12、I can't hearvery well.(我聽覺不太好。)
  • 13、Oh,very well , then, if you insist.(啊,那好吧,如果你堅持的話。)
  • 14、They have gelledvery well with the rest of the side.(他們和那一方的其他人配合得非常融洽。)
  • 15、I'm not feelingvery well.(我感覺身體不太好。)
  • 16、They were avery well-behaved crowd.(人群行為很得體。)
  • 17、Generally, the article readsvery well.(總的說來,這篇文章讀起來很不錯。)
  • 18、"We need proof, sir." Another pause. Then, "very well."(“我們需要證據(jù),先生?!庇诸D了一下。然后說道,“好吧?!?
  • 19、They'revery well-to-do.(他們很闊綽。)
  • 20、Jo and I arevery well suited.(我跟喬非常合得來。)
  • 21、The photocopier reproduces coloursvery well.(這臺復印機復制的色彩效果很好。)
  • 22、Jack is doingvery well at school.(杰克在學校里學習成績斐然。)
  • 23、There is some clever direction and the film isvery well shot.(由于導演指導有方,影片拍得非常成功。)
  • 24、It is sellingvery well, in part because the packaging is so attractive.(它賣得非常好,部分原因在于包裝很吸引人。)
  • 25、He's getting onvery well at school.(他在學校學得很好。)
  • 26、She knows the local areavery well.(她非常了解這地區(qū)的情況。)
  • 27、The job isvery well paid.(這個職位工資很高。)
  • 28、It's avery well thought out plan.(這個計劃考慮得十分周密。)
  • 29、His family is notvery well off.(他家境不太寬裕。)
  • 30、very well, if you want to go, go you shall.(很好,如果你想走的話,你可以走了。)

very well基本釋義

very well

英 [?veri wel] 美 [?v?ri w?l] 

名詞(侍者用語)好的!; 那好吧