wait for造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:16:49


wait for造句

  • 1、They have towait for clearance from air traffic control.(他們必須等待空中交通管制隊下達的起降許可令。)
  • 2、wait for the game to load.(等著游戲軟件安裝完畢。)
  • 3、wait for the traffic lights to change.(等待交通燈變換顏色。)
  • 4、You don't need towait for me.(你不用等我。)
  • 5、As the lock filled, the ducklings rejoined their mother towait for another vessel to go through.(水閘里注滿水時,小鴨子們回到它們的媽媽身旁等待另一艘船通過。)
  • 6、They were very obliging and offered towait for us.(他們非常熱情,主動提出等候我們。)
  • 7、He sat there passively, content towait for his father to make the opening move.(他被動地坐在那里,心滿意足地等著他父親走第一步棋。)
  • 8、Police officers lie inwait for the gangs who stalk their prey at night.(警官們埋伏起來等待捉拿那些夜間悄悄追蹤作案對象的黑幫成員。)
  • 9、I'm quite happy towait for you here.(我非常高興在此等候您。)
  • 10、The spider mustwait for prey to be ensnared on its web.(蜘蛛一定要耐心等待,直到獵物被它的蛛網(wǎng)困住。) haO86.com
  • 11、I walk to a street corner andwait for the school bus.(我走到一個街道拐角處等校車。)
  • 12、We had towait for the pharmacist to make up her prescription.(我們只得等藥劑師給她配好藥。)
  • 13、We had a longwait for the bus.(我們等公共汽車等了很長時間。)
  • 14、Pleasewait for further notice.(請等待進一步通知。)
  • 15、He had towait for months for the visas to come through.(他不得不等好幾個月才領到簽證。)
  • 16、I could hardlywait for "Boys' Life" to appear each month.(我每個月幾乎都等不及《男孩生活》出版。)
  • 17、The manager will be free soon—you canwait for her here.(經(jīng)理很快就有空了—你可以在這里等她。)
  • 18、The children can'twait for Christmas to come.(孩子們等圣誕節(jié)都等不及了。)
  • 19、He was surrounded by reporters who had been lying inwait for him.(他被暗中守候他的記者團團圍住。)
  • 20、He now faces an agonizing two-monthwait for the test results.(他現(xiàn)在要苦苦等待兩個月才能拿到測驗結(jié)果。)
  • 21、wait for the concrete to go hard.(等待混凝土凝結(jié)。)
  • 22、I can hardlywait for my birthday.(我迫切等待著我的生日。)
  • 23、They should be allowed towait for cheaper technologies to be developed.(他們應該被允許等待更廉價的技術(shù)開發(fā)出來。)
  • 24、Now he knows he's in the driver's seat and canwait for a better deal.(現(xiàn)在他知道他掌有控制權(quán),可以等待更好的交易。)
  • 25、These doughs can be rolled out while youwait for the pastry to chill.(當你等待油酥面團冷卻時,可以搟平這些生面團。)
  • 26、I'llwait for you at the meeting point in the arrivals hall.(我將在進港大廳的迎接點等你。)
  • 27、I'llwait for you out (the) front.(我在大門外等你。)
  • 28、'wait for me!' she shrilled.(“等等我!”她尖聲叫道。)
  • 29、They're off on a trip, to—wait for it—the Maldives!(他們外出旅行,到—聽好了—馬爾代夫群島!)
  • 30、They shouldwait for the most propitious moment between now and the next election.(他們應等待從現(xiàn)在到下次選舉之間的最有利時機。)

wait for基本釋義

wait for

英 [weit f?:] 美 [wet f?r] 
等候; 等待