
walk away with造句

walk away with造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:16:48


walk away with造句

  • 1、The only problem is getting the information down from the whiteboard so people canwalk away with it.(唯一的問題是搜集信息下了白板,這樣大家就可以走了。)
  • 2、But you'll have done so with dignity, instead of disgrace - allowing you towalk away with your head held high.(但是你應該因為你高尚和高貴去這樣做,而不是恥辱,讓你自己昂這頭轉身離開。) hAo86.com
  • 3、Enter our competition and you couldwalk away with $10,000.(參加我們的競賽,你就可以輕松贏得$10000。)
  • 4、Really put your best into it and see if you don’twalk away with a higher number of truly great ideas.(看看你是否能夠真正開動腦子發(fā)現(xiàn)一些更棒的創(chuàng)意。)
  • 5、I want people towalk away with a plan to try something new that will help them advance their careers.(我希望,人們離開會場時,腦子里能形成一個計劃,打算嘗試一些新事物,以不斷推進其職業(yè)生涯。)
  • 6、It would be important towalk away with one thought about all this. With the tax so high, tips were already included.(所以說更重要的是改變你對這一切所持觀點,包括高稅額及小費在內。)
  • 7、Rhodes is thrilled towalk away with checks totaling $5,100.(Rhodes激動的拿著總共5100美元的支票離開。)
  • 8、Yet some executives will stillwalk away with large paychecks.(不過一些高管仍將帶著豐厚的報酬離開。)
  • 9、No, I didn'twalk away with a lover, but I now have a friend who is dear to my heart.(不,我沒有得到一個情人,但我現(xiàn)在有一個朋友,是我十分重視的。)
  • 10、Agree. We actually had a shot towalk away with a win but Tmac handed the game to Suns.(同意,我們實際上可以勝利的,但是麥迪把勝利拱手送給太陽,第三節(jié)的防守很出色。)
  • 11、And I saw the love shared by two people as I watched this couplewalk away with their arms intertwined.(當我看到這對夫妻手挽手纏繞走在一起時,感受到他們彼此分享著愛。)
  • 12、Like many people, when the pokemon General Election was first announced, I just sort of assumed Pikachu was going towalk away with it.(最早宣布要進行神奇寶貝大選的時候,我就像許多人一樣,有那么點兒想當然,認為皮卡丘會輕易獲勝。)
  • 13、If you look closer in the background of the picture, you'll see that there is a thief picking up their bag towalk away with it.(如果你細看照片的背景,你會看到一個小偷拾起他們的包正想跑呢。)
  • 14、IF you are losing your job, you might at leastwalk away with a competitive advantage.(如果你失去了你的工作,在走的時候你可能至少還要帶上點有競爭優(yōu)勢的東西。)
  • 15、But they're really only different in structure. You still have to study hard and you stillwalk away with a well-earned college degree.(但僅僅是結構上的不同,你仍然需要努力學習才能順利拿到滿意的大學學歷。)
  • 16、Like many people, when the Pokémon General Election was first announced, I just sort of assumed Pikachu was going towalk away with it.(在首次宣布要進行神奇寶貝大選的時候,我就像許多人一樣,有那么點兒想當然,認為皮卡丘會輕易獲勝。)
  • 17、This is a guy who keeps winning regular season MVP trophies, but won'twalk away with a title until Kobe retires.(他就是一個繼續(xù)贏得常規(guī)賽MVP但是卻不能在科比退役前贏得一個戒指的家伙。)
  • 18、Driving schools in South Korea offer courses to enable applicants towalk away with a licence in a week.(在韓國,駕校會給合格學員安排課程,讓他們在一周內拿到駕照。)
  • 19、They said some customers were using the certificates to make token purchases andwalk away with cash.(他們說有些顧客用購物卡買籌碼然后馬上用籌碼再換成現(xiàn)金離開。)
  • 20、You turn back andwalk away with the sweetest smile. Then, there're not any more traces of you in my life as you disappear in the fog.(你帶著最甜美的微笑輕輕轉身離開,一點點消失在蒙霧中,然后,我了解到我的生命里再有也不會有任何你的痕跡。)
  • 21、And I saw the love shared by two people as I watched this couplewalk away with their arms interwined.(當這對夫妻胳膊挽胳膊一起離開的時候,我看到了他們之間的愛。)
  • 22、Due to liquidation preference rights, the founders and all employeeswalk away with exactly nothing.(由于優(yōu)先清償權,創(chuàng)始人和所有員工一無所獲,而被掃地出門。)
  • 23、No one expects his dog to get up andwalk away with utter indifference at the exact moment that he finally comes out to his grandmother.(沒有人預料到,他出來迎接祖母的時候,自己的狗恰巧起身,漠不關心地轉身離去。)

walk away with基本釋義

walk away with

英 [w?:k ??wei wie] 美 [w?k ??we w?e] 