
wash away造句

wash away造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:16:41


wash away造句

  • 1、Heavy rain willwash away the soil from desolate hills.(大雨將把泥土從荒涼的山丘上沖走。)
  • 2、Moonlight rinse her face, smooth face,wash away the earth all the dirt.(月光漂洗著她的臉,光潔如玉的臉,洗去了塵世間一切污垢?!寻?。)
  • 3、Aim for organic berries, as pesticides are hard towash away due to their size.(最好是吃有機(jī)藍(lán)莓,因?yàn)樯厦娴霓r(nóng)藥很難洗干凈。)
  • 4、Because rain willwash away everything, if you let it.(因?yàn)橛晁畷?huì)沖洗得一干二凈,如果你想那樣的話。)
  • 5、Maybe hot tears caused blurs on your list and this is good because tearswash away pain.(也許熱的眼淚所造成的模糊對您的清單,這是一件好事,因?yàn)檠蹨I洗去痛苦。)
  • 6、Raindrops falling from heaven could neverwash away my misery.(從天堂落下的雨也永遠(yuǎn)無法洗去我的悲痛。)
  • 7、The local people think that water canwash away bad things and bring good luck.(當(dāng)?shù)厝苏J(rèn)為水可以沖走壞東西,帶來好運(yùn)。)
  • 8、Repeat Step 1 and try to stir the noodles again towash away the wax coating on the noodles before cooking it in a.(重復(fù)第1步,并攪拌以洗去蠟涂層,最后換水煮面條。)
  • 9、Believing that base tearswash away all our stains.(以為廉價(jià)的眼淚會(huì)洗凈一切污垢。)
  • 10、Let the wind blow away my thoughts, let the rainwash away my tears, when everything has not happened.(讓風(fēng)吹走我的思念,讓雨洗走我的眼淚,就當(dāng)一切都沒發(fā)生過。)
  • 11、And now why tarriest thou? Rise up, and be baptized, andwash away thy SINS, invoking his name.(現(xiàn)在你還遲延甚么?起來領(lǐng)洗,呼求他的名,洗除你的罪惡罷!)
  • 12、Run for the shower -- or the nearest creek, if you're hiking -- andwash away the resin before the allergic reaction takes hold.(跑向浴室——或者最近的小溪,如果你在徒步旅行的話——在過敏反應(yīng)爆發(fā)前洗掉樹脂。)
  • 13、Don't forget to rinse your mouth vigorously with water; this willwash away any food matter that was loosened but not removed.(別忘了充分漱口,把所有未被剔除的疏松的食物殘?jiān)鼪_走。)
  • 14、Yes. If you are fatigued with traveling, you can swim here. It maywash away the fatigue.(是的。如果你旅行累了,可以在這里游泳。它可以解除疲勞。)
  • 15、Mameha: Water is powerful, it canwash away earth , put out fire and even destroy iron.(真羽美:水是很強(qiáng)盛的。它能沖走土,熄滅火,甚至可以毀掉金。)
  • 16、The good faith, is a clear spring, it willwash away fraud dirty, let every corner of the world are flowing clean.(誠信,是一股清泉,它將洗去欺詐的骯臟,讓世界的每一個(gè)角落都流淌著潔凈。)
  • 17、wash away the time really to clear a person's life is only futile, but it is too late.(撒手而去的時(shí)候,才真正地清楚,人的一生只是一場空而已,卻悔之晚矣。)
  • 18、wash away If your child a year are not words, perhaps this is a key reason.(假如你的小孩一年都不順的話,這或許是一個(gè)關(guān)鍵原因。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 19、For weeks, I couldn'twash away his smell.(好幾個(gè)星期過去了,我還是洗不去他的味道。)
  • 20、wash away your spleen, 'he said.(“把你的脾氣沖洗掉,”他說。)
  • 21、wash away all your CARES in the thermal spa!(用溫泉洗掉你所有的煩惱!)
  • 22、So let mercy come andwash away what I've done.(所以讓寬恕到來并洗刷掉我做過的事。)
  • 23、Wood and clay willwash away, my fair lady.(木頭和土?xí)粵_走,美麗的女士。)

wash away基本釋義

wash away

英 [w?? ??wei] 美 [wɑ? ??we] 
沖走; 洗去; 忘卻