watch TV造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:16:37


watch TV造句

  • 1、Even with her busy schedule she finds time towatch TV.(即使有著繁忙的日程安排,她還是抽時(shí)間看看電視。)
  • 2、People usuallywatch TV at home, but they don't usually watch a film at home.(人們通常呆在家里看電視,而不是看電影。)
  • 3、He doesn'twatch TV.(他不看電視。)
  • 4、You shouldn'twatch TV.(你不應(yīng)該看電視。)
  • 5、Let'swatch TV together.(讓我們一起看電視。)
  • 6、I sometimeswatch TV.(我有時(shí)看電視。)
  • 7、Do you alwayswatch TV in the evening?(你晚上總看電視嗎?)
  • 8、She's not allowed to use a cell phone, surf the Internet orwatch TV.(她暫且不許使用手機(jī)、不許上網(wǎng)、不許看電視。)
  • 9、Iwatch TV on weekends.(我周末看電視。)
  • 10、You shouldn'twatch TV too much.(你不應(yīng)該看太多電視。)
  • 11、I oftenwatch TV.(我經(jīng)??措娨暋?
  • 12、Why notwatch TV?(為什么不看電視?)
  • 13、They stayed up towatch TV till 3 a.m.(他們熬夜看電視直到凌晨3點(diǎn)。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 14、Shall wewatch TV?(讓我們看電視,好嗎?)
  • 15、Have your dinner before youwatch TV.(吃完飯?jiān)倏措娨暋?
  • 16、The children are allowed towatch TV after school.(孩子們被允許在放學(xué)后看電視。)
  • 17、Don't youwatch TV?(你們不看電視?)
  • 18、I usuallywatch TV in the evening.(我通常晚上看電視。)
  • 19、I like to hop from channel to channel when Iwatch TV.(我看電視時(shí)喜歡不斷地轉(zhuǎn)換頻道。)
  • 20、Don'twatch TV, please.(請(qǐng)不要看電視了。)
  • 21、Um, I just go home andwatch TV.(嗯,我僅僅是回家、看電視。)
  • 22、What do you like to do after school? I like towatch TV after school.(你放學(xué)后喜歡做什么?我放學(xué)后喜歡看電視。)
  • 23、Now, while Iwatch TV, I read the newspaper.(現(xiàn)在,我一邊看電視,一邊看報(bào)紙。)
  • 24、Did youwatch TV?(你看電視了嗎?)
  • 25、In the evenings, wewatch TV in the sitting room.(傍晚時(shí),我們?cè)诳蛷d里看電視。)
  • 26、Millions of peoplewatch TV.(數(shù)以百萬計(jì)的人看電視。)
  • 27、Now Iwatch TV first.(我現(xiàn)在先看電視。)
  • 28、My parents used to punish me by not letting mewatch TV.(過去我父母常以不讓我看電視來懲罰我。)
  • 29、It is acceptable for students towatch TV, as long as within the given time.(學(xué)生看電視是可以接受的,只要不超出規(guī)定的時(shí)間。)

watch TV基本釋義