
watch out for造句

watch out for造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:16:37


watch out for造句

  • 1、watch out for gimmicks.(提防噱頭。)
  • 2、watch out for the refrigerator door handle.The TV remote, too.(注意你的冰箱門把手和電視遙控器。)
  • 3、Justwatch out for free trials that require a credit card.(注意需要信用卡的免費(fèi)嘗試。)
  • 4、watch out for the scale.(小心刻度。)
  • 5、Butwatch out for a duck I call Sally.(不過請注意一只被我叫做薩莉的鴨子。)
  • 6、watch out for toxins.(當(dāng)心毒素。)
  • 7、watch out for falling rocks!(小心落石!)
  • 8、Iwatch out for them.(我會小心照看它們。)
  • 9、The cashiers were asked towatch out for forged banknotes.(出納員接到要求,要注意偽鈔。)
  • 10、watch out for false prophets.(你們要防備假先知。)
  • 11、watch out for cars when you cross the street.(過街時要注意來往車輛。)
  • 12、A:watch out for the car!(A:小心!有車!)
  • 13、The old man often stands here towatch out for the postman.(老人常常站在這兒等郵遞員。)
  • 14、Parents, for instance,watch out for their children.(比如說,父母關(guān)心他們的子女。)
  • 15、You're free now!watch out for owls! Goodbye!(你現(xiàn)在自由了!小心貓頭鷹!再見了!)
  • 16、watch out for what I call the touchdown.(對于我叫做觸地得分的東西你要小心了。)
  • 17、watch out for thieves.(提防小偷。)
  • 18、If you put your fingers between the crevice at the bottom, and here's where you gottawatch out for the spring, pull the thing apart and that's it.(如果你把手指放到底部的縫隙中間,這里你需要小心彈簧,把東西分開,就是這樣。)
  • 19、Fresh air — hey,watch out for those rocks!(清新的空氣——嘿,小心那些礁石!)
  • 20、In addition to tooth decay, there are also gum diseases towatch out for.(除了蛀牙,還有牙齦疾病需要引起注意。)
  • 21、To avoid fooling yourself,watch out for excuses and try this test: Ask how you would feel if your actions were public and anyone could be watching over your shoulder.(為了避免欺騙自己,可以小心自己的各種借口并試試這個測試:問問自己,如果你的行為是公開的,而且任何人都可能在背后看著你,你會有什么感覺。)
  • 22、watch out for these fellows!(小心這些家伙!)
  • 23、watch out for owls!(小心貓頭鷹!)
  • 24、Maybe it’s my turn towatch out for you.(也許這次該輪到我來關(guān)心你了。)
  • 25、watch out for the hole in the road.(留神路上的那個坑。)
  • 26、watch out for unwanted language elements.(小心那些不希望使用的語言元素。)
  • 27、First step:watch out for unwanted language elements.(第一步:小心那些不希望使用的語言元素。)
  • 28、Go out with a group of friends andwatch out for each other.(和一群人出去,彼此照看著點。)
  • 29、watch out for "wedding planners."(警惕“婚禮策劃師”型投行。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 30、watch out for what's next.(注意接下來要發(fā)生的事。)

watch out for基本釋義

watch out for

英 [w?t? aut f?:] 美 [wɑt? a?t f?r] 
戒備; 提防; 密切注意