
watch over造句

watch over造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:16:36


watch over造句

  • 1、Some just prefer to sleep outside, to keepwatch over their property, or to get out from the stifling heat indoors.(還有的只是喜歡睡在室外,方便看守他們的財產(chǎn),或者是為了遠(yuǎn)離室內(nèi)的悶熱。)
  • 2、An uncle who lives close canwatch over them.(住在附近的一個叔叔能照看他們。)
  • 3、States lay down rules about how many children each employee is allowed towatch over, the space care centers need per child and other minute details.(各州規(guī)定了每個雇員允許照看多少個孩子,每個孩子在看護(hù)中心需要多大空間,以及其他細(xì)枝末節(jié)。)
  • 4、And who better towatch over us passing through it than old Janus.(有誰能比過去的“Janus”更好地看著我們通過這個關(guān)口?)
  • 5、Given the potentially wide reverberations, this will be an interesting trend towatch over the next six months.(鑒于影響范圍涉及廣泛,接下來的六個月中,這將會是個可供觀察的有趣現(xiàn)象。)
  • 6、Will Godwatch over us and protect us?(上帝會注視我們,保護(hù)我們嗎?)
  • 7、Put awatch over your mouth and analyse the words that leave your lips.(看緊你的嘴巴,分析好你所說的每句話。)
  • 8、They kept a carefulwatch over the vineyard throughout the growing season.(在整個生長季節(jié),他們都認(rèn)真地守著葡萄園。)
  • 9、Would you pleasewatch over my booth?(請您照料一下我的攤位好嗎?)
  • 10、You want to protect them,watch over them, and fill their lives with an unbounding joy.(你想要保護(hù)他們,照看他們,讓他們的生活充滿無限的歡樂。)
  • 11、In fact, many put their degrees on hold towatch over their ventures.(事實上,許多人將他們的學(xué)位放在一邊以便關(guān)注他們的商業(yè)風(fēng)險。)
  • 12、May my ancestorswatch over me!(愿我的祖先注視著我!)
  • 13、I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you andwatch over you.(我要教導(dǎo)你,指示你當(dāng)行的路。我要定睛在你身上勸戒你。)
  • 14、The farms aren't guarded, but police keepwatch over them, Mr. Robinson said.(這些農(nóng)場并沒有設(shè)置警衛(wèi),不過警察們會隨時留意農(nóng)場的情況,羅賓遜表示。)
  • 15、Love means to care, to protect, towatch over, to pray for, to make sure the loved person is happy.(愛意味著關(guān)心、愛護(hù)、照顧和祈禱,確保你愛的人快樂。)
  • 16、Look down from heaven and see!watch over this vine.(萬軍之神阿,求你回轉(zhuǎn),從天上垂看,眷顧這葡萄樹。)
  • 17、She offered towatch over her child.(她答應(yīng)照看好她的孩子。)
  • 18、The empty streets, the deaths, the weeks when parentswatch over children in hospital.(周復(fù)一周,家長們在醫(yī)院陪護(hù)生病的孩子,看到的是空蕩蕩的街道和死亡。)
  • 19、Easter island is set apart by the wondrous stone statues, called moai, that silentlywatch over the island's serene landscape.(那些奇特石像是復(fù)活節(jié)島的突出象征,它們無聲的的守望著這座寧靜的小島,人們叫它們茅依。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 20、And sitting down, they keptwatch over him there.(又坐在那里看守他。)
  • 21、God,watch over my daughter.(天啊,照顧好我的女兒。)
  • 22、And many of them are coming back to watching TV because they canwatch over the internet, when they want, and how they want.(他們當(dāng)中的很多人都轉(zhuǎn)回來看電視,因為他們可以通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng)隨時、隨意地進(jìn)行觀看。)
  • 23、And from that throne I shallwatch over you.(在這個王座之上,我將看著你們。)
  • 24、Suddenly felling oneself resemble an executioner,watch over to strangle outside that dream of!(忽然感覺自己就像一個劊子手,把風(fēng)扼殺在那夢的外面!)
  • 25、Teri and Kim are sent to a clinic for a checkup, and Jack begs Nina towatch over them.(泰瑞和金姆被送去一家診所做身體檢查,杰克拜托尼娜去照看保衛(wèi)她們。)

watch over基本釋義

watch over

英 [w?t? ??uv?] 美 [wɑt? ?ov?] 
看守; 監(jiān)視; 照管