
wash clothes造句

wash clothes造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:16:41


wash clothes造句

  • 1、My brother hates towash clothes.(我弟弟討厭洗衣服。)
  • 2、My mother asked me towash clothes.(媽媽叫我洗衣服。)
  • 3、I usuallywash clothes.(我經(jīng)常洗衣服。)
  • 4、Assuming that you canwash clothes at least weekly, you don't need too many extra pairs.(假定你至少能每周洗一次衣服,你就不需要太多的額外衣服。)
  • 5、I want towash clothes together with you.(我想和你一起洗衣服。)
  • 6、We should wash our clothes.(我們應(yīng)該自己洗衣服。)
  • 7、A washing machine is a machine used towash clothes.(洗衣機是用來洗衣服的機器。)
  • 8、I can wash my clothes and shoes.(我可以自己洗衣服和鞋子。)
  • 9、My mother willwash clothes tomorrow morning.(我媽媽明天上午會洗衣服。)
  • 10、It's my job to wash the clothes.(洗衣服是我的工作。)
  • 11、Other than the boy in this picture, many children do not know how towash clothes, clean rooms and manage personal affairs, because they are deprived of the chances of labor whenever at home.(但大部分孩子都不像圖中的那個男孩那樣,他們不會洗衣服、收拾房間,也不會處理個人事務(wù),因為他們在家的時候根本沒有機會勞動。)
  • 12、She has towash clothes.(她必須洗衣服。)
  • 13、Do you know how towash clothes?(你知道衣服要怎么洗嗎?)
  • 14、I usuallywash clothes. Sometimes I cook dinner.(我經(jīng)常洗衣服。有時候我會做晚餐。)
  • 15、I always wash my own clothes.(我總是自己洗衣服。)
  • 16、The stone is not an ordinary Piece of insensate stone, it shouldn't be used to build a wall or pave the steps, to carve words or flowers or towash clothes on.(正因為它不是一般的頑石,當然不能去做墻,做臺階,不能去雕刻,捶布。)
  • 17、Iwash clothes for two sons and cook favorite food for two sons," she says.(我給這兩個兒子洗衣,做喜歡吃的飯菜?!狈繓|媽媽說。)
  • 18、I am old enough to wash my clothes.(我已經(jīng)長大了,可以自己洗衣服了。)
  • 19、This is the way we wash the clothes.(我們就是這樣洗衣服的。)
  • 20、My mother taught me towash clothes today.(今天,我媽媽教我洗衣服。)
  • 21、At home, we use water towash clothes, wash dishes, cook rice, clean the flat, have showers, clean our teeth and so on.(在家里,我們用水來洗衣服,刷盤子,煮米飯,擦地板,沖涼,刷牙等等。)
  • 22、Morning routines vary between families. Some shower (three minutes, cold water), otherswash clothes (outside, in buckets, cold water), or exercise (walk round the yard).(中心各“家庭”每天早上的例行事務(wù)各不相同:一些“家庭”是淋浴(三分鐘,用冷水)、一些是洗衣服(在戶外,用水桶,同樣是冷水)、還有一些是鍛煉(圍著操場走)。)
  • 23、Unlike a white marble, one could carve nothing on it. Nor did it resemble a big bluish stone, on which one couldwash clothes.(它不像漢白玉那樣的細膩,可以鑿下刻字雕花,也不像大青石那樣的光滑,可以供來浣紗捶布;它靜靜地臥在那里,院邊的槐蔭沒有庇覆它,花兒也不再在它身邊生長。)
  • 24、There was a house filled with many families who wouldwash clothes together outside or sit and gossip in their shared courtyard.(一棟宅子里會住許多戶人家,人們會坐在外面一起洗衣服,或者在天井里聊聊東家長西家短的。)
  • 25、The 24th day on the last lunar month is the day for cleanup. Every household will do home cleaning, sweep their home, clean Windows,wash clothes and clean dishes and have a spring-cleaning.(正月二十四,掃房日,實際上就是大搞家庭環(huán)境衛(wèi)生,這一天,家家戶戶開始掃房、擦窗、清洗衣物、刷鍋洗瓢,進行干凈徹底地衛(wèi)生大掃除。)
  • 26、Wewash clothes with the washing machine.(我們用洗衣機洗衣服。)
  • 27、From the age of 6, Wang Yan began to cook andwash clothes for the whole family.(王燕從6歲就開始為全家人做飯和洗衣服。) haO86.com
  • 28、"And so my mother had to go out to work,wash clothes and clean house to try and feed four children," she says.(她說,“從此,我媽不得不出去工作,替別人洗衣服、打掃房子,以養(yǎng)活我們四個孩子?!?
  • 29、I usuallywash clothes in weekends.(我通常在周末洗衣服。)
  • 30、Mother, need I wash my clothes today?(媽媽,我今天需要洗衣服嗎?)

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