
wash the dishes造句

wash the dishes造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:16:40


wash the dishes造句

  • 1、I alwayswash the dishes after supper.(我總是晚飯后刷碟子。)
  • 2、Must Iwash the dishes at once?(我必須立刻洗盤子嗎?)
  • 3、Be careful when youwash the dishes.(你洗碗時(shí)要小心。)
  • 4、Youwash the dishes and I'll dry them.(你洗餐具,我來(lái)把它們擦干。)
  • 5、Do you want to helpwash the dishes?(你想幫忙洗碗嗎?)
  • 6、If I clean the room, youwash the dishes.(如果我清掃房間,你就洗碟子。)
  • 7、Fourth, I willwash the dishes.(第四,我會(huì)去洗餐具。)
  • 8、Rumei: Here, let mewash the dishes.(如梅:來(lái),讓我來(lái)幫你洗盤子吧。)
  • 9、Do you help towash the dishes?(你幫助洗盤子嗎?)
  • 10、Shall Iwash the dishes?(我來(lái)洗碗好嗎?)
  • 11、How often does Annwash the dishes?(安多久洗一次碗?)
  • 12、Whose turn is it towash the dishes?(該由誰(shuí)洗餐具了?)
  • 13、I'llwash the dishes, and you dry them.(我來(lái)洗碗,你把它們擦干。)
  • 14、Do you use a sponge or a dishrag when youwash the dishes?(你洗碗時(shí)是用海綿還是用洗碗布?)
  • 15、Iwash the dishes.(我洗。)
  • 16、Remember towash the dishes after breakfast.(吃過(guò)早飯記得洗盤子。)
  • 17、Every evening I have towash the dishes.(每天晚上我不得不洗盤子。)
  • 18、I must sweep the floor andwash the dishes.(我必須拖地和洗碗。)
  • 19、When you wash dishes, you only need towash the dishes.(你洗盤子時(shí),就只管洗你的盤子。)
  • 20、She refuses towash the dishes.(她拒絕刷碟子。)
  • 21、You neverwash the dishes or cook.(你從不洗碗也不煮飯。)
  • 22、He often helps his motherwash the dishes.(他常幫助他的媽媽洗洗餐具。)
  • 23、After dinner, Iwash the dishes.(晚餐之后,我要刷碟子。)
  • 24、I sometimeswash the dishes with her.(我有時(shí)與她一起洗盤子。)
  • 25、Youwash the dishes and I'll dry.(你洗盤子,我來(lái)擦干。) hAo86.com
  • 26、The boss asked Alan towash the dishes seven times.(老板讓艾倫洗了七次盤子。)
  • 27、You can say do the dishes orwash the dishes.(你可以說(shuō)清洗餐具或者清潔餐具。)
  • 28、Do I have towash the dishes?(我得洗盤子嗎?)
  • 29、He turns on the water towash the dishes.(他放水洗碟子。)
  • 30、Pleasewash the dishes.(請(qǐng)刷碟子。)

wash the dishes基本釋義
