wash up造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:16:39


wash up造句

  • 1、When the oil starts towash up in quantity, the greatest environmental threat will be to the Louisiana wetlands.(當(dāng)裹著浮油的海水大肆沖刷海灘時(shí),路易斯安納濕地的生態(tài)環(huán)境將面臨最嚴(yán)峻的威脅。)
  • 2、I didn'twash up the pans.(我沒(méi)有刷鍋。)
  • 3、She insisted on helping mewash up.(她堅(jiān)持幫我洗餐具。)
  • 4、Not one of them wouldwash up unless I asked them to, and then I probably wouldn't get it done properly anyway.(如果我不叫她們做,她們誰(shuí)都不會(huì)去洗餐具,而我也很可能不會(huì)用適當(dāng)?shù)姆绞阶屗齻儊?lái)干活。)
  • 5、wash up before dinner. Ok, Mum.(晚飯前先洗洗吧。好的,媽媽。)
  • 6、The Coast Guard said it had sent investigators to confirm whether crude oil had begun towash up on parts of the Louisiana shoreline.(美海岸警衛(wèi)隊(duì)表示,他們已派出調(diào)查者驗(yàn)證原油是否已經(jīng)開(kāi)始觸及路易斯安那州海岸線。) hAo86.com
  • 7、wash up before dinner. What did you do after school?(晚飯前先洗一洗。晚飯后你做了什么?。)
  • 8、I take my time waking up,but then Iwash up quickly.(我花了一些時(shí)間起床,然后很快地洗漱完畢。)
  • 9、The environmental damage is slowly coming into view, as oiled birdswash up on the coast.(隨著沾滿(mǎn)油污的海鳥(niǎo)被沖向海岸,事故對(duì)環(huán)境的破壞開(kāi)始緩緩顯現(xiàn)出來(lái)。)
  • 10、If there aren't any leaks,wash up with your new faucet fixture.(如果沒(méi)有任何漏水,就可以清洗你的新水龍頭了。)
  • 11、Pleasewash up these dishes.(請(qǐng)把這些碟子都洗了。)
  • 12、I see a kitchen with some of the morning time to wash the bowl, I willwash up.(我一看到廚房里有一些早上來(lái)不及洗的碗,我就會(huì)立刻洗起來(lái)。)
  • 13、I neverwash up without wearing rubber gloves I don't like to chip my nail varnish.(我從來(lái)是戴橡皮手套洗碗的,我不喜歡使指甲油上有缺損。)
  • 14、Tar balls continue towash up on beaches.(焦油球繼續(xù)被沖刷到沙灘上。)
  • 15、The girl helps her mother towash up after dinner everyday.(女孩每天晚飯后幫媽媽洗餐具。)
  • 16、Go and helpwash up at the sink.(到洗滌槽去幫忙洗碗盤(pán)吧!)
  • 17、Go clean up andwash up.(去清潔干凈,洗干凈。)
  • 18、One would shop and cook, another would set the table and another wouldwash up.(一人會(huì)購(gòu)物和烹飪,一人擺桌子,另外一人洗餐具。)
  • 19、Some two weeks after the initial accident, oil has begun towash up on the frail marshes and rich oyster beds that line Louisiana’s shores.(在初始災(zāi)難的兩周后,泄漏的原油開(kāi)始沖擊路易安娜州海岸上脆弱的沼澤和富饒的牡蠣養(yǎng)殖長(zhǎng)。)
  • 20、My daughter insisted on helping mewash up.(我女兒堅(jiān)持幫助我洗歺具。)
  • 21、Gowash up, Honey.(親愛(ài)的,去洗一洗吧。)
  • 22、After crying so much, she had towash up before going into the classroom.(她大哭一場(chǎng)之后,必須先把臉洗一洗再進(jìn)教室。)
  • 23、I feel spoilt, especially when he refuses to let mewash up and sends me upstairs for a soak in the bath.(有人寵的感覺(jué)真好,尤其是他不讓我洗碗,而是要我上樓泡個(gè)澡。)
  • 24、Do you mind if Iwash up?(你介意我去洗手間嗎?)
  • 25、It was therefore quite distressing when, in the late 1980s and 1990s, hundreds of headless walrus began towash up ashore in Alaska.(因此在二十世紀(jì)八十年代末和九十年代,成百的無(wú)頭海象在阿拉斯加被沖上海岸是十分讓人難過(guò)的。)
  • 26、He mustwash up his hands before lunch.(他們吃飯以前必須洗手。)
  • 27、He headed to the bathroom towash up.(他去盥洗室洗漱。)
  • 28、When breakfast was over, the housewife told the King towash up the dishes.(早餐后,主婦叫國(guó)王把盤(pán)子洗干凈。)

wash up基本釋義

wash up

英 [w?? ?p] 美 [wɑ? ?p] 

飯后洗餐具; 洗臉和手; 將…沖上岸