
what is more造句

what is more造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:16:16


what is more造句

  • 1、Material poverty and character both matter.what is more, they are often linked.(物質(zhì)貧乏以及性格缺陷兩者都至關(guān)重要,同時他們還息息相關(guān)緊密相連。)
  • 2、what is more, people have become afraid of one another.(更重要的是,墨西哥人變得害怕與別人接觸交流了。)
  • 3、what is more important for a student, in my point of view, is to be creative rather than hard-working.(在我看來,對學(xué)生來說,創(chuàng)造力要比勤奮重要得多。)
  • 4、what is more, PeopleSoft would be the better catch.(更重要的是,仁科將是更好的獵物。)
  • 5、what is more, it can fly forwards just as a real butterfly.(更重要的是,它能像真正的燕尾蝶那樣飛起來。)
  • 6、what is more, Oracle and Sun are no strangers.(而且更加重要的是,甲骨文和Sun并不是陌生人。)
  • 7、what is more, Westerners tend to assume that Western firms are superior.(更重要的是,西方人往往認(rèn)為西方公司更具優(yōu)勢。)
  • 8、what is more, those who choose not to empathise enable real monsters.(甚至于,那些選擇不去想他人所想的人可能激活真正的惡魔。)
  • 9、He has to know as a professional lawyer, andwhat is more, he has to apply it on his feet, in the dark and rain, running down an alley after someone he wants to talk to.(作為一名職業(yè)律師,他必須知道,更重要的是,他必須把它實(shí)施在自己的腳上,在黑暗中,在雨中,在小巷里追著他想要談話的人跑。)
  • 10、what is more, some say their centrist role is overstated.(更甚者還認(rèn)為其中間派角色不值一提。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 11、It is modern. And,what is more, it might even be profitable.(這個可真現(xiàn)代,而且還可能很賺錢。)
  • 12、what is more, non-native species can appear harmless for decades, then turn invasive.(更重要的是,非本地物種可能會在幾十年內(nèi)看起來無害,然后變得有入侵性。)
  • 13、what is more, I skied against the snowflakes dancing with my parents in the sky.(更重要的是,我與父母在雪花飄舞之時翩躚而起,徜徉于天際。)
  • 14、what is more it is difficult to acquire further skills if you lack the basic ones.(還有,如果你缺乏基礎(chǔ)教育,你也很難學(xué)會更深的技能。)
  • 15、I enjoy food - butwhat is more, I enjoy great food.(我喜歡食物,但更進(jìn)一步說,我喜歡好的食物。)
  • 16、what is more, the margin of Mr Kan's victory provided a rare moment of reassurance.(而且,菅直人的勝利使人們得到了難得的再次安心。)
  • 17、what is more significant than any geographical spread is the access that different levels of society had to good-quality products.(比地理上的廣闊分布更重要的是,社會的不同階層都能夠獲取這種高質(zhì)量的產(chǎn)品。)
  • 18、what is more, the police would visit you; and you would be convicted.(而且,警察會來找你;你會被定罪的。)
  • 19、what is more, big companies are increasingly global.(更重要的是,大公司正日益全球化。)
  • 20、what is more important is there has to be stability in prices.(更加重要的是要有穩(wěn)定的價格。)
  • 21、what is more likely happening is a repeat of the Great Depression.(更可能發(fā)生的是重蹈大蕭條的覆轍。)
  • 22、what is more, a powerful resurgence in the carry trade seems unlikely.(更甚者,利差交易不太可能會有強(qiáng)有力的復(fù)蘇。)
  • 23、Our mouths and tongues have taste buds, which are receptors for the five basic flavors: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami, orwhat is more commonly referred to as savory.(我們的嘴巴和舌頭上都有味蕾。味蕾是五種基本味道的感受器:甜、咸、酸、苦和鮮味,也就是通常所說的咸味。)
  • 24、what is more, the dam is now full and has become part of the problem.(此外,該壩現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)蓄滿了水即而變成了問題的一部分。)
  • 25、what is more, Japanese buyers prefer fish raised this way.(更重要的是,日本買家偏愛這種人工飼養(yǎng)的魚。)
  • 26、Butwhat is more interesting is the mistakes they made.(但人們更感興趣的是他們所犯的錯誤。)

what is more基本釋義

what is more

英 [hw?t iz m?:] 美 [hwɑt ?z m?r] 
而且此外; 更有甚者