
what is worse造句

what is worse造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:16:16


what is worse造句

  • 1、what is worse is that many interesting programs are segmented by a lot of boring advertisements, which makes us feel annoyed.(更糟糕的是,許多有趣的節(jié)目被很多無(wú)聊的廣告分開(kāi),使我們感到惱火。)
  • 2、Today, I have a vexed question.what is worse, I cannot talk with my family. I don't want to hurt anybody. But always, someone will be hurt.(今天我有個(gè)煩惱的問(wèn)題。更糟糕的是,我不能對(duì)我的家人講。我不想傷害任何人。不過(guò),總是要有人被傷害。)
  • 3、If he tell a lie for the weight of goods, he will be amerced.what is worse, this will affect the time of shipment.(如果周先生謊報(bào)重量被查驗(yàn)到,需要接受罰款還會(huì)影響裝運(yùn)的時(shí)間。)
  • 4、For what it's worth I like you andwhat is worse I really do things have been worse and we had fun fun fun 'til I said I love you andwhat is worse I really do!(對(duì)于它是價(jià)值我的喜歡你而且我真的做了的什么是比較壞的是更壞的事而且我們讓了樂(lè)趣有趣的樂(lè)趣'我說(shuō)的很亂我愛(ài)你而且更糟的是我真的做!)
  • 5、what is worse, cars are responsible for most of the smog in cities, which pollutes the environment seriously.(更糟的是,車(chē)會(huì)產(chǎn)生大部分的煙霧在城市,它對(duì)環(huán)境的污染嚴(yán)重。)
  • 6、His father suddenly passed away, andwhat is worse, he was unemployed.(他的父親突然去世,更糟的是,他失業(yè)了。)
  • 7、what is worse, he was late for the meeting.(更糟糕的是,他開(kāi)會(huì)遲到了。)
  • 8、Andwhat is worse, I missed the school bus.(而更糟的是,我沒(méi)趕上校車(chē)。)
  • 9、what is worse, another young couple was on the way to their suffocating life.(更糟糕的是,另一對(duì)年輕的夫婦已經(jīng)有了他們的影子,一步一步,走向讓人窒息的生活。)
  • 10、what is worse, this kind of emotion will influence the others, once there occur some conflicts, it will probably to have some quarrels.(更糟糕的是,這種糟糕的情緒會(huì)影響他身邊的人,一旦發(fā)生沖突,他們很容易就吵架了。)
  • 11、what is worse, I cannot talk about it with my family.(更糟糕的是,我不能對(duì)我的家人講。)
  • 12、what is worse, sand particles may even flow back into the formation to cause damage.(更為嚴(yán)重的是,井底砂粒可能隨沖砂液重新返入油層,并對(duì)油層造成傷害。)
  • 13、what is worse, I'm not very smart.(如果我是你,我做得會(huì)更糟。)
  • 14、The fax has been muddled.what is worse, page three is missing.(傳真的字模糊不清,更糟糕的是,第三頁(yè)沒(méi)有。) hAo86.com
  • 15、what is worse, last year's shortfall was revised up to almost 8% of gdp-partly, it seems, because of unpaid bills to medical suppliers.(更糟糕的是,去年的預(yù)算缺口經(jīng)修訂過(guò)后幾乎增長(zhǎng)并接近GDP的8%——似乎看起來(lái),部分原因是沒(méi)有向醫(yī)藥供貨商支付藥款。)
  • 16、what is worse, though I make plans for a whole week, I always have to make changes later on because other things come up.(更糟糕的是,盡管我制定了整個(gè)星期的機(jī)會(huì),但是我總是因?yàn)槠渌露坏貌桓淖儥C(jī)會(huì)。)
  • 17、They lost their way, andwhat is worse it began to rain.(他們迷路了,而更糟的是又開(kāi)始下雨了。)
  • 18、Oh, that is terrible. The fax has been muddled.what is worse, page three is missing. Would you please ask them to send the fax again?(太糟糕了。傳真的字模糊不清,更糟糕的是,第三頁(yè)沒(méi)有。請(qǐng)你讓他們?cè)賯饕环荨?

what is worse基本釋義
