what of造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:16:15


what of造句

  • 1、Butwhat of his personality?(但他的性格究竟怎樣的呢?)
  • 2、Butwhat of real writing?(但真正的文字?)
  • 3、what of the opposition?(反對派目前的處境如何?)
  • 4、Butwhat of the leadership, he asked?(但領(lǐng)導力如何,他問道?)
  • 5、Andwhat of the history of cancer?(癌癥的歷史又是如何呢?)
  • 6、Butwhat of Laura Wright herself?(但現(xiàn)實中的勞拉·萊特是什么樣的呢?)
  • 7、Yes, I wrote the article.what of it?(是的,文章是我寫的。那又怎么樣呢?)
  • 8、Injun Joe was believed to have killed five citizens of the village, butwhat of that?(據(jù)說印第安·喬殺了村里的五個人,但那又怎么樣?)
  • 9、The poor fellow had got the attorney to promise secrecy, butwhat of that?(這個可憐的家伙讓律師答應(yīng)替他保守秘密,可那又怎么樣呢?)
  • 10、Whilst chaos and upheaval reigns in the college,what of the chaos and noise that local residents are subjected to ?(當混亂和動蕩籠罩著學院的時候,當?shù)氐木用駛冇謺馐茉鯓拥幕靵y和喧囂呢?)
  • 11、Butwhat of the future?(但是未來會如何?)
  • 12、Andwhat of Harvey Ball?(那么哈維·比爾的情況怎么樣呢?)
  • 13、what of the last in the Arab 2011?(在2011年的阿拉伯,后一種是什么呢?) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 14、Andwhat of the guests?(客人們怎么樣了?)
  • 15、Sowhat of the company's future?(那么公司的未來會怎樣呢?)
  • 16、Butwhat of the current inferno?(但是目前的火海卻將如何呢?)
  • 17、Butwhat of the "neutral" outcomes?(不過,何謂“中性”后果呢?)
  • 18、Sowhat of this is useful for business?(那么,這對于商業(yè)有什么意義呢?)
  • 19、"You're talking to yourself."—"Well,what of it?"(“你在自言自語?!薄昂?,那又怎么樣?”)
  • 20、Butwhat of other experiments?(但是如果是其他的實驗呢?)
  • 21、So,what of the future?(那么,未來會怎樣?)
  • 22、Butwhat of our natural gas glut?(但是天然氣供過于求怎么辦?)
  • 23、what of those other plants?(那其他的植物呢?)
  • 24、what of the effect on liquidity?(交易稅對市場流動性有何影響呢?)
  • 25、Andwhat of those animals who favour a specific side for almost all tasks?(而那些在幾乎所有任務(wù)中都傾向于某一單側(cè)的動物是怎樣的呢?)
  • 26、In the meantime,what of the boys?(與此同時,孩子們怎么辦?)
  • 27、Andwhat of the anonymous craftsmen?(而那些籍籍無名的工匠呢?)
  • 28、what of the lessons of history?(歷史帶來的教訓是什么?)

what of基本釋義

what of

英 [hw?t ?v] 美 [hwɑt ?v] 
有什么關(guān)系; ... 的情況怎樣