
wide of the mark造句

wide of the mark造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:16:06


wide of the mark造句

  • 1、However, it is now clear that this is a long waywide of the mark.(然而,現(xiàn)在很清楚,離那目標(biāo)還有很長的一段路要走。)
  • 2、In short, fears that in-flight telephony will be a nuisance, rather than a benefit, seem to bewide of the mark.(總之,在飛行過程中通電話是件令人討厭的事情,而不會有任何好處,對于這種擔(dān)憂其實是離譜的。)
  • 3、As we mark this International Day, let us recognize the wide-ranging and long-term consequences of damaging the environment -both in peace and times of war.(在我們紀(jì)念這一國際日之際,讓我們認(rèn)識到,無論是在和平時期還是在戰(zhàn)爭時期,破壞環(huán)境都會造成廣泛而長期的后果。) hAo86.com
  • 4、Given how wide off the mark their predictions usually land, you may already be skeptical of the forecasts of Wall Street's finest Pollyannas.(考慮到他們預(yù)測通常的離譜程度,你可能已經(jīng)對華爾街這幫樂觀天使的預(yù)期抱懷疑態(tài)度了。)
  • 5、Vucinic is a great prospect and would be someone who could interest us, but talk of a possible exchange iswide of the mark.(武其尼奇是一個潛力巨大的球員,其他球員也可能引起我們的興趣,但是談到交換球員還距離很遠(yuǎn)。)
  • 6、However, Wenger insists any reports about midfielder Gilberto, 30, moving to Juventus arewide of the mark.(然而,溫格強調(diào)有關(guān)30歲的中場球員吉爾伯托轉(zhuǎn)會尤文圖斯的報道都是沒有根據(jù)的。)
  • 7、Now, the trade mark of "Precious Pearl" has won great reputation national wide, and has higher popularity.(寶珠牌商標(biāo)已盛譽全國,有較高的知名度。)
  • 8、Those suggestions are a littlewide of the mark, but Gilles has turned down a new Arsenal deal.(這些報道有點不著邊際,但是吉勒斯拒絕了阿森納的新合約。)
  • 9、That comparison isn't aswide of the mark as it seems.(那種比較不像看上去那么離譜。)
  • 10、What he told me was quitewide of the mark.(他告訴我的太離譜兒了。)
  • 11、Convergence does have some merits then-mainly in cutting costs and increasing efficiency-but the hype iswide of the mark.(融合還是有一些優(yōu)點的——主要是降低價格和增加效率——但是這還要大規(guī)模的宣傳。)
  • 12、MARK KURLANSKY has written on a wide range of subjects, but is best known for his books on food—notably “Cod: A Biography of the Fish that Changed the World” and “Salt: A World History”.(馬克?科爾蘭斯基就很多主題著有不少作品,但最為有名的還是關(guān)于食物的書,尤其是《鱈魚》和《鹽》。)
  • 13、However, reports that his injury could blight the rest of Walcott's career appear to bewide of the mark.(但是,報告說,他的傷勢可能會枯萎病其余的沃爾科特的職業(yè)生涯似乎是不著邊際。)
  • 14、The arrow fellwide of the mark.(那支箭落在距離目標(biāo)很遠(yuǎn)的地方。)
  • 15、Their predictions turned out to bewide of the mark.(他們的預(yù)測后來發(fā)現(xiàn)太離譜了。)
  • 16、The fears werewide of the mark: not one person turned up to complain.(這種恐懼大的離譜:以至于居然沒有一個人表示抱怨。)
  • 17、However, Suggestions that BP could go bust arewide of the mark.(然而,這些與英國石油公司會破產(chǎn)的說法是毫不相關(guān)的。)
  • 18、As for the rest, studies show a wide spectrum running from family firms, many of them poorly managed, to well-run high-performers, some of them kept to the mark by private-equity funds.(其余的,多份研究表明,則各有千秋,從家族公司(許多管理差勁)到運行良好的表現(xiàn)出眾者(其中有些由私募基金進(jìn)行監(jiān)管)。)
  • 19、What I will say, however, is that any tendencies to portray them as a straight fight between good guys and bad guys do appear to bewide of the mark. Real life is always far more complicated.(不管怎樣,我要說的是,任何把他們描繪成戰(zhàn)爭中的好人與壞人都不靠譜,真實的生活總是復(fù)雜得多。)
  • 20、While that seems to bewide of the mark, he did admit at the Hungaroring that moving into the race seat next year is a contractual possibility.(盡管這似乎不大可能,他在亨格羅寧承認(rèn)明年回到比賽是可能的。)

wide of the mark基本釋義

wide of the mark

英 [waid ?v e? mɑ:k] 美 [wa?d ?v ei mɑrk] 
毫不相關(guān); 離譜; 遠(yuǎn)離目標(biāo)